You then ask him/her what he/she has for sale. 2:16. It doesn't matter where the Khajit are either. Thank you! BillLam bert. "SKYRIM" Secret Chests - ( Dawnstar, Markarth and Solitude ) XBOX. Each merchant has his or her own chest somewhere in the world. Merchant Chests . Reload your saved game, and the stock will be refreshed. Skyrim Item Armor Dupe GLITCH. Skyrim Shop Keeper's Secret Chest … The invisible treasure chest seemed to respawn … Said chest can be found in the exact location shown in this video (again, not my video): See Mining (Bugs) and elsewhere on that article and its talk page. Leave a like and a comment if you want to see more Skyrim related videos. Then you must talk to the merchant that owns the chest - Akhari - and the inventory will respawn. If you want it to refresh you have to go to the Cat person down the road. After getting what you want out of the chest, SAVE your game, then go kill the Khajiit merchant. Look at him and wait 48 hours. Favorite Answer. Located in Dawnstar there is an invisible chest that contains multiple items up to the level of your character. Merchant Chests respawn every two days (48 hours) of in-game time, independent of whether the store or cell containing the chest has respawned. No sneak, no specific levels. Side note: Unfortunately, I was goofing around and killed a bunch of people in Dawnstar, including the Khajiit merchant. 3:33. 9 years ago. Do you have to completely empty the chest before it will respawn? When you fast-travel to Dawnstar, you just follow the path across past the Windpeak Inn, Dawnstar Barracks, and The White Hall, and head over to where the Iron-Breaker Mine is. Ore veins (all types) sometimes do not respawn normally. Not my discovery but I thought it would be good to share with more of the Skyrim loving world. You are actually just clearing the merchant inventory from the Khajiit caravan that travels between Dawnstar and Riften. Answer Save. 6:29. Infinite gold for PC/360/PS3. Just travel to Dawnstar, jump over the fence, walk around behind all the houses, then to the second mine and it's under the tree (between the tree and the rock, specifically). Leave a like and a comment if you want to see more Skyrim related videos. Invisible chest in Dawnstar with leveled, respawning loot. I waited the 10-days and had to fight another dragon in Dawnstar but the chest did not respawn. how do i get the invisible chest to respawn in dawnstar?(skyrim)? Harvie Aaden. Anonymous. Relevance. Well, look no further. Invisible chest is there, tried it with 3 different characters, on XBox360. Skyrim : INFINITE GOLD GLITCH GUIDE (XBOX 360, PS3, PC) Elza Hazle. I only took what I wanted from the chest the first time around, so maybe I need to totally remove everything? This tip works on just about any merchant in the game, too. Ore Veins . Then the chest should come back. They should not be available, but Dawnstart chest is there due to a bug. 3 Answers. I've searched all the boards for the game on GameFAQs using various searchwords (invisible, treasure, chest, Dawnstar) and not one mention of it. So if there's a topic about this already with a different title, well, I'm sorry I didn't see it. They are not "invisible chests." Her caravan can be found at Dawnstar, and they travel all the way down to …
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