The final example showed how a healthy guest-host relationship resulted in an advantageous situation for both parties involved. Only question their identity when they’re settled. Helen is an example. For example, in book 3 lines 76 and onwards, Odysseus is given a gift when he leaves to show a form of hospitality, this means that if you ever meet him again, then he will have to show you the same hospitality that you showed him. Learn. Through books 1-4, many characters demonstrate methods of Xenia which allow us to see its importance in society. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Nestor offers a ‘royal feast’ to Telemachus and gives him a golden cup (showing wealth and honour from higher authorities). . (Click the themes infographic to download.). We see hospitality presented among Telemachus, Nestor and Menelaus. Odysseus is a guest on his journeys, and meets the most varied set of hosts, from man-eating monsters to sexy goddesses to the luxurious, soft, and ultimately generous Phaeacians. The Odyssey can be thought of as a manual for a host of how to (and how not to) show hospitality to a guest and vice versa. STUDY. However, Menelaus shows good Xenia in offering to host Telemachus until “ten or a dozen days have passed”. Menelaus becomes reinvigorated after finding out that his son is alive and helps him thwart his foes. We pick up ten years after the fall of Troy in the Trojan War (the subject of The Iliad). Stephen Holliday. Xenia is shown at many points throughout the story; the owners of the home open the door to whoever stumbles across their home. Because Penelope uses trickery to deceive her unwanted suitors. His lesser adherence to Xenia is also shown in how he quickly cuts in with “no man alive could rival Zeus, dear boys,” after Telemachus likens his palace to Zeus’ court. Some examples of personification of fate in the Odyssey include that fate 'awaits them', fate 'has brought you to my door', and fate 'has flung me upon this coast'. Since Odysseus hasn’t been seen for years, men have gathered at his house to try and win over his wife, and Telemachus’ mother, in matrimony. ( Log Out / This gesture displays Nestor’s conviction to the Gods, and his desire to spread the honour of Poseidon’s feast. This is also shown in how Menelaus offers a “princely send-off” to Telemachus so that he may “remember Menelaus all your days”; this suggests that Menelaus is more concerned with his Kleos rather than bestowing gifts upon Telemachus as a gesture of goodwill. Gravity. Xenia in books 1-5 of the Odyssey by Homer? How is Xenia shown? The first 4 books of The Odyssey give lots of examples of positive and negative xenia. They had a whole word for the relationship between guest and host: xenia.Zeus was in charge of this relationship, and it was one of the ground rules of ancient society. Book 1 Book 2 Book 3 Book 4 Book 5 Book 6 Book 7 Book 8 Book 9 Book 10 Book 11 Book 12 Book 13 Book 14 Book 15 Book 16 Book 17 Book 18 Book 19 Book 20 Book 21 Book 22 Book 23 Book 24 Themes All Themes Fate, the Gods, and Free Will Piety, Customs, and Justice Cunning, Disguise, and Self-Restraint Memory and Grief Glory and Honor Change ), How is Xenia demonstrated in the First 4 Books of the Odyssey. Odysseus has set the example of a Hero’s Journey during the poem, but not only is he going through the Journey, but teaches Greek values such as Xenia, Nostos,don’t defy the gods, and Kleos, through his words and actions. It is through this disregard of Xenia that the suitors are quickly established as villains. The slow revelation of Odysseus' identity emerges through the first and last songs as he betrays his intimate familiarity with the fate of those who died at Troy. It is a practice extended to all strangers who appeared at the door and is of great importance - violation is a crime . He also got his special cloak for Odysseus that he kept for particularly cold nights. Xenia is an important theme in the Odyssey as well. Odysseus falls short on several occasions. As a result of this, the Suitors will recieve punishment from the Gods for breaking the rules of Xenia. One of the best examples of good xenia in The Odyssey is that of Nausikaa (Homer 104 – 108), a princess on the island of the Phaiakians. Then, with the mentor archetype, Odysseus' father, Menelaus, is a great example. One of the best examples of good xenia in The Odyssey is that of Nausikaa, a princess on the island of the Phaiakians. or entertainment are all examples of presenting good xenia to guests. Nestor offers Telemachus a chariot and his son, Pisistratus ‘captain of armies, to help him on his journey to Sparta. In the first book of ‘The Odyssey’ there are examples of both good and bad xenia. Laistrygones and Calypso are perceived as bad hosts. Conversely, Eumaios presented great xenia when taking Odysseus in, even while he was disguised as a beggar. Zeus is the God of travelers, in addition to being the king of the Gods. He quickly got one of his finest pigs and made a meal for him. Xenia means hospitality. Xenia is an important theme in Homer's Odyssey. These values in one way or another have crept into The Odyssey. The suitors in the Odyssey are an example of having bad xenia. Learn about the theme of hospitality and how it is shown in "The Odyssey" in this essay. This allows Athena to show gratitude by complimenting Nestor’s people and blessing him, helping to build their relationship while honouring the gods. Athena, sometimes called Pallas Athena or simply Pallas, often carries the epithet "sparkling-eyed" (l.53). The Odyssey What are examples of Xenia, Nostos, Kleos and Hubris in book 12 the odyssey ? This display of Xenia shows Nestor and his sons valuing the needs of his guests above their feast. Including teaching morality of Greek values in his journey. Flashcards. ...Throughout the Odyssey there is an ongoing theme of hospitality or xenia that shows cultural values. Telemachus’ display of good Xenia in his introduction reflects his positive qualities; in the aforementioned rituals, he is showing a healthy sense of humility and grace towards his guests, and, in turn, is showing his skill as a diplomat. Nestor, Menelaus, and the swineherd show good xenia, with varying degrees of sincerity. hannahg243. How is Xenia shown in books 1-4 of the Odyssey? He prepares two meals for his guest (Od. In being “mortified that a guest might still be standing at the doors”, he shows his humility and servitude towards his guest; this is further displayed in how Athena is given “a high, elaborate chair of honour”, with Telemachus sitting in a lower chair. This episode is oftentimes portrayed as a cute fairytale about a one-eyed … The cyclops does not show xenia, widening the divide between him and the Greeks. You have used the text well to support the points and demonstrated how xenia is shown. Test. Examples of Hospitality in the "Odyssey"represent Greek hospitality (xenia). It is the process of accepting one into one’s home and giving treating them well. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The magic of the singer is necessary to make these deeds appear glorious and reputable in the society.In book 4, Penelope’s speech also hints at the glory of Odyssey, when she, lamenting upon the apparent loss of her noble and courageous husband, says, ‘I had a husband years ago, the best and the bravest of the Danaans, a lion hearted man, famous from Helas to the heart of Argos. ( Log Out / Telemachus conviction to Xenia and the gods is so great that he would rather risk the loss of his house, his fortune and the throne of Ithaca by hosting the suitors, rather than to dishonour Zeus by betraying this religious obligation of Xenia, and risk his reputation by turning away his guests. Another reference to greed may be found in Book 18 when Eurymachus entertains his friends at Odysseus's house. Give them the most comfortable chair so they feel valued. ( Log Out / Furthermore, drinks are handed to them in a ‘golden pitcher’ which demonstrates the wealth of the house owners. In fact, it seems that most of the examples of bad xenia in the Odyssey involve the guests rather than the hosts. Menelaus gives Telemachus a personal gift upon his exit, a solid silver mixing bowl that is ‘forged to perfection’. This shows the first stages of Xenia, people must demonstrate hospitality and care before welcoming someone into their home, even if it’s a stranger. Xenia, the Greek concept of hospitality and the guest-host relationship, was, according to M.I. Furthermore, Nestor continues to demonstrate Xenia throughout Book 3. In addition, Nestor only asks the business of his guests after satisfying their desire for food and drink. In "The Odyssey", xenia is an important factor. Many households have a sort of connection in that if one house has a problem the other houses will help. "The Odyssey" Rough Draft Xenia is the word for hospitality. How is Xenia shown in books 1-4 of the Odyssey? . In books 1-4, Telemachus develops the xenia theme further by visiting the courts of Menelaus and Nestor. This suggests that he is speaking quickly, and with complete sincerity; this is later shown in Book 4, in which Menelaus criticises Telemachus for likening his palace to Zeus’ court. First of all, in ‘The Odyssey’, we perceive Telemachus welcoming Mentes (Athena). In Book 3, we see King Nestor’s hospitality demonstrated when Telemachus lands in Pylos; this contrasts greatly with the lack of Xenia shown by The Suitors. Their disrespect is also shown in book 2, in which Eurymachus dismisses Halitherses’ omen, which was sent down by Zeus. The suitors “swagger” in and act like they own the place and have no consideration for Odysseus or his son Telemachus. In Ancient Greece, hospitality meant a lot more than giving your guest the most crumb-free seat on the Ikea couch. This cites one example of greed on the part of the suitors. Vamp. A contrast to this is when the Suitors arrive demonstrating arrogance in their behaviour; they demand too much from Xenia, they take advantage of Xenia given by others. Good and Bad Xenia in The Odyssey by Homer 892 Words | 4 Pages. Before Telemachus leaves, Stewards are giving him ’rounds of wine’ which shows their admiration towards their guest. Polyphemus is the obvious example - he ended up blinded. Similarly, while Telemachus may seem somewhat cowardly for not having driven away the suitors, the ancient audience would admire his conviction to Xenia. This portrays Telemachus as an excellent host, as he would treat a stranger with equal respect to any relation or friend. October 10, 2013 Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Lv 7. Nestor objects to his guests retiring to their ship, instead inviting them to spend the night, insisting “the true son of my good friend Odysseus won’t bed down on a ship’s deck”.
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