Swift 106. Given the profound expansion of human power through technology as well as advances in genetics, ecology, and other fields, the vulnerability and endangerment as well as the enhancement of life are dominant themes in the global age. Laurie Zoloth is the Margaret E. Burton Professor of Religion and Ethics in the Divinity School and the Senior Advisor to the Provost for Programs on Social Ethics. The paper explores Agua Florida’s cultural agency, inter-religious relevance, and quotidian liminality as an example of messy while meaningful hybridity. Are you applying to PhD programs in Religious Studies? An overwhelming majority of people in the United States support restricting or suspending in-person religious services during the COVID-19 outbreak, according to a new poll from the University of Chicago Divinity School and the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs.. Let us help you! Why do animals appear so frequently as metaphors in our everyday speech? Concerning this latter issue, I show the strength of the perspective outlined in the paper over those of Peter Singer’s Utilitarianism and Martha Nussbaums’ Capabilities Approach to human animal ethics. Navigating Normativity: Pedagogical Challenges and Opportunities of Diverse Commitments in the Classroom Ryan Coyne (University of Chicago), Jean-Luc Marion (University of Chicago) We … Caputo specializes in continental philosophy of religion, working on approaches to religion and theology in the light of contemporary phenomenology, hermeneutics and deconstruction, and also the presence in continental philosophy of radical religious and theological motifs. The Theology & Religious Ethics Workshop invites paper proposals for the spring and winter quarters 2016. Students must register for the conference by the first Friday of the quarter in which the conference is to be held, using a form available on the Dean of Students webpage. Please join us on Thursday Jan. 14th- 5:00-6:30 PM, Swift 208 for a friendly and rich conversation on topics that concern us all. We invite conference papers, dissertation chapters, papers prepared for publications, and other research and work-in-progress, concerning both research and teaching in theology and religious ethics. RETH 30802 Contemporary Religious Ethics I and 30803, II. It is my contention in this essay that the teleological-chain of being in its Christian guise is able to do just this. Though both of these attributes were part of classical Christian thinking, they stood on a deeper foundation: a description of the type of world God had made. RETH 30600 Introduction to Theological Ethics. Among the topics examined will be (1) understanding the institutional context of the graduate student-as-scholar’s academic work, (2) thinking about intellectual continuity and scholarly audience when one’s institutional context changes with one’s first academic appointment, and (3) exploring how the elements of one’s academic formation can be either constrained or liberated, perhaps even integrated, with a change in academic environment and a guarded recognition of multiple viable academic publics. The Theology & Religious Ethics Workshop and the Medieval Studies Workshop invite you to a joint session on Thursday, January 21st – 12:00 – 1:20 PM at Swift 208 – Lunch will be provided! –Prof. 5:00-6:30 PM (new time!) Qualifying Examinations in Religious Ethics and Faculty Supervisors. The research paper may be one that a student has submitted in a course or a revision thereof. RETH 31100 History of Theological Ethics I and 31200, Part II. (California State University); M.A., Ph.D. (Graduate Theological Union) A leader in the field of religious studies with particular scholarly interest in bioethics and Jewish studies, Laurie Zoloth’s research explores religion and ethics, drawing from sources ranging from Biblical and Talmudic texts to postmodern Jewish philosophy, including the writings of Emmanuel Levinas. All students are encouraged to pursue work in pertinent areas of the University outside of the Divinity School. “Morals or Metaphysics: The Place of Charity in Christian Thought” The mission of the Bioethics, Multiculturalism, and Religion Project is to provide a forum in which representatives of diverse religions and traditions can: RETH 41500 Decision Making: Principles and Foundations. He is currently working on two books: first, an analysis of the shape and contemporary relevance of Bonaventure’s moral theology tentatively titled “Bonaventure’s Hope; and second, an introduction to comparative religious ethics” (with William Schweiker) tentatively titled “Religious Ethics: Meaning and Method.”, Academic Study of Religion and Religious Faith and Practice Books in Religion: Philosophy of Religion, Theology, and Ethics published or distributed by the University of Chicago Press. Religion and the development of modern moral and political thought; contemporary political theory; religious and philosophical ethics; ethics, religion, and public life; … HIST 10102 Introduction to African Civilization II (K. Hickerson) African Civilization introduces students to African history in a three-quarter sequence. His articles have appeared in the Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics and the Journal of the American Academy of Religion. The Program on Medicine and Religion is co-sponsoring the 8 th UNESCO Workshop on Bioethics, Multiculturalism, and Religion.. Although Martin Heidegger is nearly as notorious as Friedrich Nietzsche for embracing the death of God, the philosopher himself acknowledged that Christianity accompanied him at every stage of his career. Undergraduate Program in Religious Studies We offer a major and a minor in Religious Studies for College students. About The Enhancing Life Project of Philosophy; 1115 E. 58th St. Chicago, IL 60637; Email the Philosophy Office at philosophy-department@listhost.uchicago.edu Phone 773-702-8513 Craft of Teaching & the Theology & Religious Ethics Workshop) Location: Swift Hall Common Room. RETH 44000 Methods and Theories in Comparative Religious Ethics. Presented by the Lumen Christi Institute. We have asked Elsa Marty, Danielle DeLano, Aslan Cohen, and Patrick Lambelet to respond to these challenging questions and explain their own approach to the topic during an open panel discussion. https://divinity.uchicago.edu/60116-navigating-normativity-pedagogical-challenges-and-opportunities-diverse-commitments-classroom#sthash.9B3uv6Fr.dpuf, http://enhancinglife.uchicago.edu/people/limned-by-glory-theological-resources-for-imagining-and-enhancing-vulnerable-life, http://enhancinglife.uchicago.edu/people/now-and-at-the-hour-of-our-death, http://www.lumenchristi.org/morals-metaphysics/. 4:30 – 6:30 PM See more at: https://divinity.uchicago.edu/60116-navigating-normativity-pedagogical-challenges-and-opportunities-diverse-commitments-classroom#sthash.9B3uv6Fr.dpuf, Symposium on Heidegger’s Confessions Swift 208 Students in Religious Studies learn how to think, talk, and write about religion in a way that is well-informed, rigorously critical, and responsibly engaged. Study in the history, methods, and theories of religious and non-religious ethics is essential to work in the area. Laurie Zoloth (Northwestern University) is Professor of Religious Studies, Professor of Bioethics and Medical Humanities at the Feinberg School of Medicine, and Director of Graduate Studies at Northwestern University’s Department of Religious Studies. This lecture will be directly concerned with this question, and the answer may well come as a surprise to many people. Thursday, January 21 Dissertation Guidelines can be found here (pdf), Dissertation Guidelines can be found here. A certain narrative has become prominent within the field of human-animal ethics, namely, that the vision of reality as a teleological-chain of being is simply a non-option for us in the 21st century as we try to urgently reformulate how it is that we ought to relate to non-human animals. Location TBA, David Meconi, S.J. This presentation will consider the possibility of a conceptual history of religious discourse. Join the Theology and Religious Studies Workshop and Global Christianities Tuesday, February 16, from 12:00-1:15pm in Swift 208 for a discussion with Professor Dwight Hopkins. Thursday, April 28 However, he did affirm that intersubjective events in the world express theological truth, even if that truth cannot be possessed or professed thereafter as noetic content. “Healing through Prayer or Transforming Social Systems? The two figures whose principles are used to make this case are Augustine and Aquinas, both of whom are often accused of promoting dangerously anthropocentric accounts of human-animal relations. He is known especially for his notions of radical hermeneutics and the weakness of God. Lisa Landoe Hedrick, PhD Candidate in Theology, will offer a response. EliotWhat do we know of the prayer-life of St Thomas Aquinas? Koselleck has argued that during the eighteenth century, basic concept use in Europe experienced widespread trends of 1) democratization, 2) temporalization, 3) incorporation into ideologies, and 4) politicization. 2:00 – 3:20 PM We will be discussing the book he recently co-edited, Paul Murray, O.P. Cosponsored by the Theology & Religious Ethics Workshop and the Early Christian Studies Workshop. There will not be one solution but rather a palette of possibilities with which teachers may choose to proceed in light of their pedagogical contexts and goals.Our panel represents three different fields in three different institutional settings: –Prof.
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