regret having a baby at 40
I made a stupid mistake of getting pregnant but knew I couldn't live with myself if I got an abortion, so I had the baby.The baby's dad was/is happy about the child so adoption wasn't an option since I wanted to remain in the relationship. I'm downright honest with anyone who asks about how much it takes, day in and day out, to nurture a human being. The group notes that half of all women 40 and older have fertility problems. Then when it comes to having a child at 44 – well, there are so many potential regrets out there just waiting to happen. Nothing about having a baby at any age guarantees their health, but being aged over 40 does increase the risk. Work and promotions don’t go anywhere, but babies demand everything. By the time 40 hits, there is nothing wrong with wanting a little peace and quiet. It’s an awkward scenario. My child is kind, ferociously bright, whimsical, silly and basically a sponge for knowledge. My son is this moving ray of sunlight that follows me everywhere saying, "Mum, mum, mum, mum" 200 times a day. having a baby after 40. You might be surprised to learn that not only do women have babies in their 40s, but the rate of women having babies in this decade of life has been on the rise for decades. There are times in life for crazy chaos. Even as young girls, we create an image in our minds of what motherhood is going to look like. About Mary Dell Harrington. At this point in societal evolution, the only humans who can birth and breastfeed a baby are women. At 40, your risk of having a baby with Down’s syndrome is about one in 200, or one in 67 if you already have a child with Down's syndrome. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Preventiom (CDC) (CDC) explains that the rate has … Article by Lesline Davis. Most women know that conceiving a child over the age of 40 brings with it an increased risk of health complications for both mom and baby. That’s what should be acknowledged rather than social assumptions and doubt. Tweet: While it is a medical fact that the ideal age to have babies is in your twenties, the modern lifestyle of women today push us more and more to have children at a later stage. The moms in their 40s are on the other side of the fence, wearing sweat pants and a stained top and have bags the size of suitcases under their eyes. We "mothers of advanced maternal age" (yes, that is a real phrase used to describe old moms) are a unique breed of our own. This can lead to women regretting having babies in their 40s, because it can feel like it would have been easier to have raised them in the 20s or 30s and established the career later. Some women can end up thinking that they traded their freedom for sleeping on the baby’s schedule, living a life devoid of sex, enduring exhaustion on a daily basis. You’re not going to get to enjoy the laid back 50s and 60s, because your child will be completing their schooling career. Sitting here now, I realize that I really didn't think about what would happen once the baby arrived. This Pregnancy Over 40 story was found on Read more: I don't regret having a baby at 57, reveals Britain's oldest first-time mother a year after giving birth Originally posted on May 9, 2009 Either way, these celeb moms instil envy and disillusion in many regular moms aged in their 40s. The March of Dimes also notes that pregnancy risks increase significantly at age 40. I don't regret having a baby at 57, reveals Britain's oldest first-time mother a year after giving birth. Even if you’re fit and active at age 40 and things are functioning well, there is still a chance that the baby can have health problems. Is it their natural ability or is the air brushing skills of the magazines? Embrace Following that party of natality sport our doctor suggested we brawl amp bout of IUI for the newcomers. Some women prefer to have their babies while they’re young, others think waiting until they’ve “experienced life” is better. The negative self esteem that comes with being aged over 40 can be a problem here. Some of these include Down syndrome or learning difficulties. The benefits of late motherhood range from financial to physical, and include social and emotional. Red Meat In Pregnancy: How Much Is Too Much? I am 18 (almost 19) with a 1 month old baby boy living with my boyfriend of 2 1/2 years. And in most cases, they’re kicking motherhood goals. We don't really pre-produce the "What now?" I meant to have a baby, but I had hoped to have one much earlier. This led me to three natural pregnancies, three miscarriages and one fibroid surgery. Your midwife will discuss screening options with you at your booking appointment. Just in case motherhood doesn’t come with enough expectations and social pressure, a woman who has child when she is aged over 40 cops these left, right, and centre. Obviously, motherhood means sacrificing certain elements of a career. Comparatively: 11 percent of first-time moms at 18 were wed, 30 percent at 21, 62 percent at 25, 83 percent at 30, 78 percent at 40, according to a 2011 CDC report. We think of modern mothering as a collective of women very much like me, who want it all -- career, love, friends, family and a splash of free time to nurture our previous selves. I know I can't speak for anyone else, but I regret waiting. All the while, baby is crying you back to reality. It can be a trend amongst health care professionals to assume that moms aged over 40 will be against immunising their child, for example. Many of my fellow over 40 mom friends also feel the same way -- we planned for parenting to be a huge challenge, but we didn't necessarily plan for a lot of the other little things that come with this whole older mom thing. I so get this now. Having a baby is as much about sharing the responsibility as it is about sharing the joy. Top that with the list of potential complications I managed to dodge, I should go to church everyday. You’ll see young moms in the 30s with their toddlers playing in the park and swinging on the monkey bars too, whereas the moms in the 40s are sitting back on the park bench breathing a sigh of relief. The upside of being an older mom is that I'm too wise and too tired to lie about motherhood. Life is so much a case of the ‘grass is always greener’. And then, of course, longing to go back to being a carefree 20 something year old with no worries around. It isn’t always the case, of course, but there tends to be regret and envy lingering towards those younger, more energetic moms. Behind all that "Oh my gosh, cute baby" perfection is the 45-year-old me, wondering how the hell I arrived here, and why I fought so hard to have this life. Therefore, being pregnant in one's 40s can bring with it a worrying array of emotions where panic, concern, and paranoia are at the forefront. You have more life experience to draw on. Nonetheless, doing anything at any time in life means that you didn’t do it at another point. You can have it all, just not all at once. This is a pretty bleak picture and of course not always true. For ‘mothers of advanced maternal age’, there is a lot of negative social stigma out there, whether people are dishing out intentionally or otherwise. Since I generally avoid life's helpful warning signs, most of my key life messages have been realized by crashing into sliding glass windows more than once, and this one has been no different. I was pretty much the posterchild for the category of woman most likely to regret having children - I was over 35 but under 40 when my first child was born, with higher education (I have a two BAs and a masters degree), well travelled, and used to having a decent amount of disposable income to spend on herself. For some reason, we didn’t last. The NHS disagreed and I ended up do you regret having a baby at 40 disbursement eighter from Decatur 000 having the. Especially if they are aged over 40. How charming is this picture when you’re a mom in your 40s? Don’t regret having my child, but damn sure regret not saving more before I blew that final load. The reality is, motherhood is, while blissful, downright scary and beyond overwhelming -- especially after 40. I think it's important to start the conversation and give women the permission to share their truth without being judged. Motherhood brings with it many cases of self-doubt, worry, and anxiety about doing it ‘right’. Here's the deal: you always want what you can't have. These are the moms kids are proud of, who rush into their arms after the school bell rings. Ironically enough, there is no right or wrong way to be a mom, literally just what feels right at the time for the baby. You're likely to give birth to a healthy baby. My goal was to have a baby; after that, there had been no clear plan. I'm not depressed, I have no self harm thoughts. No one really tells you about having less energy and vitality, or about the social discrimination and the "Grandma Effect." Nonetheless, that is easier said than done, and many moms will judge themselves harshly. Yet, the thing they receive most from society is harsh judgement. Motherhood isn’t about superficiality or materialistic goods, but it is human nature to envy others. Many women who wait to have a child in their 40s would have happily done so in their 30s, had they been with the right partner or had the right financial stability, or whatever. I'll be honest: I didn't take much time to think beyond the baby, about how complex my life would become, it gets flipped upside down every single day. Dreams really do come true. They regret having a baby because it changed their sex life – sometimes for good. Although comparison is the root of all evil, it is a natural thing that humans do. If you’re over 40 and you’re having a baby, there’s plenty to look forward to and think about, such as the benefits of being an older mother. Hi, Our youngest child (10 months+ now) was born the day after I turned 47 - no regretts at all, he is a wounderful child and has given his older siblings a perspective of life. It is normal for pregnant women to be worried about their growing baby, but at age 40 all these concerns are highlighted even. Fibroids were most likely the cause of my three miscarriages. Therefore, being pregnant in one's 40s can bring with it a worrying array of emotions where panic, concern, and paranoia are at the forefront. There the moms one can see leaning casually against the fence post, chatting in the group of other moms where they’re clearly the coolest. It was an irrational hormone induced decision. Yet, there is definitely social pressure surrounding the age that women decide to have kids. I regret not doing this sooner, I regret not fully knowing how my body works and the complex issues that could arise as a result of waiting, I regret not knowing about options like freezing my eggs or even considering more seriously (even if it was for only a day) the idea of choosing to be childless. Society expects a lot from older moms. Every woman has the choice of if and when they become a mom, but it is key to remember this choice impacts on how the baby will be raised into a child and eventual adult themselves. Part of HuffPost Parenting. You are officially in the deepest love of your life. I'm just going to come right out and say it: I'm too old for this new career. And this social pressure can come with plenty of regret. A dozen IVF attempts later I would have been grateful for one baby because nothing seemed to work. There is the argument that Mother Nature has had a biological clock ticking inside women since the dawn of time. I regret, most of all, not traveling with my husband more before we arrived in lockdown central of a very scheduled and routine life -- but that is the cost of putting love over motherhood, I waited for him, and he showed up when I turned 40. Or sitting with a mom who also has an infant but she’s 10 years younger than you and starts laughing about some TV show reference from her own childhood that you totally miss. Having a child at 34 might mean that you regret waiting so long to have kids and now you don’t have the required energy. Often women who wait to have kids until their 40s end up regretting things about how great their life used to be in comparison. The celeb moms are out there and they are making it look all too easy, even aged in their 40s. ©2021 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. Before I had my own baby, when I saw someone pushing a stroller down the street, I would hurt -- physically -- with yearning. When it comes to being aged 40, you’ve dealt with a whole lot of responsibilities already. Nonetheless, the clock ticks along nicely until the 30s but starts to slow down after that. Moms over 40 start thinking things like ‘I could have done this better if I was younger’ or ‘I was so much more active/creative/energetic when I was 28’ or things along these lines. At age 40, there's a 35 percent risk of losing the pregnancy. This compares to 35 per cent for women in their 30s, and 45 per cent for women still in their 20s The good thing about the early 20s and even into the early 30s is that these responsibilities bring a certain amount of joy. By Helen Weathers for the Daily Mail Updated: 11:18 EST, 9 May 2009 Today, "by any means necessary" means a plethora of fertility cocktail options, including natural conception, IVF, egg/sperm donation, birth, surrogacy, adoption, or my own personal favorite, "Please God just knock me up, I promise to be the best mother on Earth." This clock is ticking loudest in the early to mid 20s, even though many of us now believe that this is far too early to have kids in our society. However, she is often the one longing for motherhood, but the circumstances aren’t right yet. Having a child at 24 means that you might regret the things you won’t be able to do while you’re still young, such as hiking Mount Kilimanjaro. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. Therefore, if older moms fail at something, they're going to be judged even more harshly. Of course, unrealistic expectations easily draw regret. Kind of, damned if you do, and damned if don't. And let’s be real, having that kind of stress at age 40 can bring some regret into the mix as well. I regret not saving more money, and most of all, I regret not thinking about the fact that I will be in my 60s when my son goes to college. There is no magic age number to bear your first child. Another friend, Laura, says she fantasizes about not having kids—all the time. ... it's rather like having an only child. It is so important to be a mom with confidence, pride, and happiness for the sake of raising a well rounded child. My entire identity as I knew it is essentially off the table. At 40, your chance of conceiving is just over 20 per cent (based on the average annual rate of pregnancy per cycle), falling to about 10 per cent by your mid-40s. Times that involve going out to noisy bars in the 30s and enjoying drink after drink. Everything you think about motherhood is probably going to be disproven straight away. Of course, you can bond with woman of any age as this number is really just that, a number. This is a difficult question and a thought provoking question. I've even taken this work abroad, working at language camps in France and Croatia. They’ve got to be put aside somewhere else in fantasy land. For instance, sitting with your friend who has a 10 year old kid and talking about potential high schools when you really just want to talk about the early years of your baby. Oh, and no paparazzi clicking photos of you to later be photoshopped for perfection. Home / Articles / Family Life / Family Issues / Having a Baby at 40: A View from Down the Road. Don't Feel Guilty If Your Toddler Is Having Too Much Screen Time During This Pandemic. They sell you on "cute baby, cute baby, cute baby" and "you can so do this." 15 Out-Of-This World Boy Names Inspired By Space, 15 Biggest Regrets Of Women Who Got Pregnant At 40, 8 Signs Your Toddler Has A Gluten Sensitivity & How To Transition Them, New Study Highlights Specific Barriers Women With Disabilities Face While Pregnant, Pollution Affects Newborn's Weight & Gestation Time, Says Study, 8 Nostalgic Toys To Introduce To Your Child (& Where To Find Them), 15 Romantic Names To Consider If You're Expecting A Valentine's Baby, 8 Pregnancy Hacks I Wish I Knew In The Beginning, Reading Pregnancy Tests: 8 Things You May Be Doing Wrong, Tasks You Can Accomplish While Your Baby Is Napping, 6 Simple Math Games To Help Your Toddler Get Familiar With Numbers, 5 Reasons You Should Never Ask Someone If They're Pregnant, 10 Easy Organic Homemade Baby Food Recipes For The Busy Mom, 9 Activities To Help Cultivate Your Toddler's Independence. The thing with a baby is that for as much joy as they bring, they come burdened with responsibility. Oh, and of course we insist on making it all look easy, and remaining MILF-like while doing it. And then older moms end up believing that everyone is categorising and judging them. Advanced Maternal Age Fibroid Surgery Friends Mom Interesting Reads Love Your Life Having A Baby … Times revolving around sitting in airports waiting for a flight, listening to announcement after announcement and crying kids all over the place. My son is healthy, thriving and a joy. I realize she was just being polite: trying her best to give driven, busy women like me some clear warning signs, without insensitively coming right out and saying, "Um, no lady, this is not happening." It's one of those questions that no matter how you answer people could be upset with you. Some valued restful and relaxing time to yourself is well deserved. Humans are inherently selfish whether we like to admit it or not. So you’re a mom in your 40s and you don’t have the latest designer clothes on and your makeup looking flawless. I love and adore my son beyond words and also have a supportive community where I can honor the loss of my previous self. I'm a primary school teacher with a passion for teaching English and working in the disability sector. It’s common knowledge that after the rigors of childbirth, certain areas are going to be tender and more sensitive, the extent of which largely depends on how easily you sailed through childbirth, whether there were any issues, complications or not. If you’ve got the image of stock standard photo of you and your partner looking down loving at the sleeping baby, no wrinkles around your eyes, and hair beautifully done, you should forget it. If you need to flag this entry as abusive, Raise the kind of person you'd like to know. You probably know yourself, and your strengths and weaknesses, better than you did when you were 20. Serving up the hottest food trends and the inside scoop on restaurants worldwide. Amongst women who decided to wait to have kids until their 40s, regrets are just part of the emotional rollercoaster that they experience. Following that party of fertility fun, our doctor suggested we do a round of IUI (for the newcomers, IUI is what is commonly referred to as "turkey basting") and boom, pregnant at 42. There is nothing wrong with enjoying a fulfilled life, whatever pathway one chose. Rather than be one of the mommy liars out there, I have chosen to be a disciple of Mother Nature and give my sisters the low down, dirty truth -- there are a few reasons 40 just might be too old to do this. Either option is fine, but entering motherhood should not come with preconceived ideals. Most personal friends will have already had their kids in their 30s and now have 9 or 10 years olds, not infants. However, the desire for peaceful and quiet times is more likely to happen if you’re a mom in your 40s. In the US, about one out of every 96 babies is born to a woman age 40-44, according to the US Department of Health and Human Services, and the number of women having their first baby over 40 … I've worked with kids for the past 6 years as a teacher, personal carer, integration aide, arts and craft facilitator, and tutor. So, here I am, deep in it, Gold Membership in the Club of Motherhood and all, and, I'm almost afraid to say it, but yep, it's slightly tortuous at 45. Every now and then, I would think about never having another baby — never looking excitedly at ultrasounds, never feeling a baby kick, never anxiously waiting for that moment when I saw my new baby’s face for the first time — and I would feel so sad. There is definitely no right or wrong time to have kids. They can’t seem to get it together and can’t seem to fight off the exhaustion in a graceful way. Today I often find my once feminist self encouraging my younger sisterhood to explore motherhood sooner than later. The last year we have data for shows us the highest number of women yet, about 11 babies for every 1,000 women in the 40 to 45 age range, and slightly less for 46 plus. Pregnant 40-year-olds are also more likely to have … Educate yourselves, learn what becoming pregnant looks like, know how your body works, understand what ovulation is, and as soon as you are able, go to the doctor and get a clear picture of any fertility issues you may be up against. There is a certain picture moms wants to present their kids after school. When I was 24, I told my boyfriend that he had better get me pregnant soon because my eggs were going to shrivel up and die. I have the perfect beautiful baby boy (not your average incredible baby). I question if it's possible to get to an age where you become so set in your life and your ways that really, having a baby is not the smartest choice or the best choice for your child or even for you. From playing mom with dollies and toys as a child to starting to think seriously about what age kids will enter our lives later on, motherhood is a notion that surrounds women. These are easy enough barriers to overcome, but barriers nonetheless. But it can make older moms feel isolated and less accepted, especially when the conversations aren’t relatable. These lead us down a pathway of happiness. Especially when you have a baby. You don’t need to be a celeb looking mom, you just need to be a loving and attentive one no matter what age you are. When it comes to motherhood, it seems that you can easily regret having kids at any time in your life, which is a real catch 22. Here's the deal: you always want what you can't have. My ex was also alerted about the situation and tried to say he wanted to keep the baby (mind you, he was in jail). Before I had my own baby, when I saw someone pushing a stroller down the street, I would hurt -- physically -- with yearning. But when baby chuckles turn to teenage sulks, how will the 50-somethings cope? We're such a goal-oriented society: we strive for something we want, we get it and often once we have it, we wonder, oh what now? Yes, that's a real thing too. As a mom over 40, I have a lot of regrets. I also don't lie about how deeply spectacular motherhood can be, too -- from the moment you hold your child for the first time, you can never go back. For example, a 40-year-old's risk of having a Down's Syndrome baby are 1 in 100, compared to a 30-year-old's risk of 1 in 1,000. Now you just want the joy to revel in. But really, Mother Nature is just giving out a friendly reminder that fertility fades into the 30s and things really are drying by the time 40 hits. I never wanted kids. Whether it becomes that you regret not traveling in your 20s or regret not focusing as much in university, regret is a real pain to hold on to. We really shouldn’t be looking to the media and celebrities for any kind of inspiration or guidance in life, especially not motherhood. When it comes to parenting over the age of 40, women come into the game loaded up with ideas of how they’re going to think and act. Realistically, everyone does things in their own time depending on what's best for them. A few hours later, the baby was born and taken away, as I stated I wanted to put the baby up for adoption during the delivery. It completely destroyed the lives of my older children and relationship. The problem with finding a solid friendship group as a mom in her 40s is that the options are slim pickings. Well, that’s ok, considering you’re not a Hollywood actor who has someone do their shopping for them and a professional make up artist on hand. And then most moms with an infant at mothers’ group are in their 30s. I was induced at 42 weeks, which is pretty standard for any woman having a baby on the NHS. Having a baby in your 40s equals a longer life, say researchers. Sure, the noise and chaos of raising a child might not seem so bad and it can certainly be dealt with in a graceful manner. Let me start by saying I didn’t mean to have a baby at 40. But younger moms are more willing to believe that they are, and scorn the geriatric moms who have ‘the grandma effect’ when picking up their kid from school. I'm fortunate to have a tribe of women I can speak openly with about this. Some choose to enter the journey, others do not. The phrase 'noone regrets a baby' is entirely falso … Basically, Mother Nature tells us that our eggs are going out of date after turning around 33. “When a friend talks about watching Netflix all day and taking a big nap in the afternoon, or tells me she and her boyfriend are jetting off to New York for a weekend,” she says, … Founder of The See and Sprout Project. Nicole Kidman had her baby when she was over 40 – and she's part of a growing trend. Motherhood was the club I so deeply wanted to belong to, and I was determined to become a member by any means necessary. Which can often lead to regret. For older parents it's got to be a 50/50 split if you are going to survive. Nothing about having a baby at any age guarantees their health, but being aged over 40 does increase the risk. Unfortunately, not many of these moms are aged in their 40s. Every day I wonder what the hell I am doing, questioning whether all the mothers who came before me felt the same, or whether my malaise is a result of this modern way of mothering? They sell you on "cute baby, cute baby, cute baby" and "you can so do this." You might think you get to pick and choose aspects of your life that won't change, no matter what, but it all changes despite your tenacity. You may want to have a screening test to estimate your individual risk. It is natural to reflect on your former self and acknowledge how you have changed, but discrediting the skills you now bring to the table is very self destructive. Realistically, everyone does things in their own time depending on what is best for them in their certain circumstances. A week later, a woman from the adoption agency brought me several packets of parents to choose from. That's not "modern" mothering -- that's unrealistic mothering, which is destined for failure. We carve a lifestyle for ourselves based on hopes and dreams and ambitions. Fortyhood: Why You're Too Old to Have a Baby After 40. This can seem like Mother Nature being a control freak and trying to coerce us into having kids before our time. We ended up having to re-mortgage our house after the 9th IVF that didn’t work. At the young age of 40, women aren't accustomed to being called "geriatric" — that is, unless they try to have a baby. Sources:,, This 20-month-old chatterbox knows stuff I definitely didn't teach him, and that is just strange. This type of societal taboo is ridiculous, but it exists. She is the one jet setting around the world, kicking career goals, and heading out to parties and bars because she has that type of freedom still. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. Even if you wait until you have kids in the 40s, these images will still be present and desirable. I regret having my last one yes. But sometimes, waiting too long can lead to unforeseen regret. And let’s not even talk about our bank account which was rapidly being depleted. It was rough on my body and on our marriage, which was still pretty new. But, I am going to complain just a little bit anyway, in the hopes of helping women like the one I used to be: over 40, still holding onto the dream of motherhood. I just wonder if we really think about how being a mother changes everything? These are ideas most moms and moms in waiting don't really want to talk about. until it's too late. What I Regret About Having A Baby After 40. In this modern age, we have bred women clever enough to manipulate their way right past Mother Nature, straight into convincing the brains behind medicine to find new ways to let us have babies at any age. Motherhood is a terrifying thing and no one is really doing it ‘right’ at the end of the day. I usually say something like "think of your worst hangover, multiply it by four, subtract showering, napping, and brunch with friends, and add a baby." It really is a vicious cycle that needs to stop. She can often be the one envying her friends who are already doing motherhood. This type of societal mentality is what makes women aged over 40 think twice about having a child and questioning if they did the right thing. Having a baby after the age of 40 has become an increasingly common occurrence. What I regret about having a baby after 40. So there’s motherhood and then there’s a career and there is a perception that women can’t have both. Next adventure: teaching English in South Korea in April 2017! But the reality is, motherhood is, while blissful, downright scary and beyond overwhelming -- especially after 40. Teachers tend to think that older moms are more needy and anxious about their child’s schooling. From being expected to maintain their career status and rock motherhood like its no one's business, being a mom in your 40s is really, really difficult. Exhaustion is temporary but regret could last for ever, I kept thinking. Pretty much, since we leave home and go study in university or work full time, our lives become dominated with responsibility.
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