dependent clause Celebramos la belleza We celebrate the beauty que… Choose one answer for each of the pull-down menus. The pronouns change according to number and gender. Do the exercise. Learn about Spanish relative pronouns with Lingolia’s grammar rules and exercises. As pronouns, they refer back to a noun in the main clause, called the antecedent. 3 years ago. Share practice link. Pronombres Relativos DRAFT. Wrong answers will be indicated with a check mark in the left check box. Play. Relative pronouns , Relative clauses, who, which, whose - Exercise - Learning English This quiz is incomplete! Learn and practice Spanish for free! PowerPoint Presentation : Pronombres relativos Los pronombres relativos se emplean para juntar dos partes de una frase.La frase introducida por el pronombre relativo es la cláusula relativa. TODO-CLARO.COM. 4. Print; Share; Edit; Delete; Host a game. Finish Editing. Vamos a ese bar, donde (CC Lugar) ponen tapas gratis. 207 times. Homework. Worksheet – Los pronombres relativos – This guided worksheet includes the steps needed to use relative pronouns in Spanish. Do not check your quiz until you have chosen all the answers. Sunday, February 14, 2021 × … Índice de contenidos Pronombres relativos 1 Pronombres relativos 2 Página principal El pronombre puede ser el objeto del verbo o el sujeto del verbo en la cláusula relativa. Relative Pronouns Quiz . Practice. Spanish exercise (grammar): PRONOMBRES INDIRECTOS (DATIVOS) - page 1 of 2 Beginners (A1/A2) grammar gap-fill exercise Los relativos. Relative pronouns introduce relative clauses. 10th - University grade. Live Game Live. profenorte. Relative pronouns link a dependent clause to a main clause, providing a smooth transition from one idea to another. ... Edit. Preview this quiz on Quizizz. In contrast to English, the relative pronoun can never be omitted in Spanish: main clause rel. The relative pronouns in Spanish grammar are que, el cual, quien, cuyo, cuanto. Ejercicios sobre los pronombres relativos y las oraciones de relativo del español. Pronombres relativos pronombres relativos ID: 1560248 Language: Spanish School subject: Lengua española Grade/level: secundaria Age: 10-18 Main content: Pronombres Other contents: Add to my workbooks (3) Download file pdf Add to Google Classroom Add to Microsoft Teams Share through Whatsapp: 13. Learn and practice Spanish for free! Este cuadro, ___ pintó Ana, ganó un premio. 64% average accuracy. Solo Practice. World Languages. Me compré el libro que (CD)me recomendaste.. Hazlo como (CC Modo) quieras.. Dará una recompensa a quien (CI) lo encuentre .. Los relativos son átonos, a diferencia de los interrogativos y de los … Ocupan la posición inicial de una oración y desempeñan una función sintáctica dentro de ella. Spanish exercise (grammar): PRONOMBRES RELATIVOS - page 1 of 1 Advanced (C1/C2) grammar gap-fill exercise Learn and practice Spanish for free! Practice – Relative Pronouns – With this online exercise, students practice relative pronouns by completing the text of the biographies of Rigoberta Menchu, Ellen Ochoa and Isabel Allende.
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