There are over 150 species in this family and these are, to date, the most popular catfish to be kept by aquarists. The Neon Tetras are a great addition to any community tank. Also, caring for Tiger Barbs is easier than for most other species. The tail fin is moon-shaped, bottom part being longer than the top. Also, there might be tank mates listed above that don’t work well with each other. However, its lifespan is quite impressive, at 8 years, if cared for well. The Tiger Barbs are another community breed, that likes to live in groups. They’re a bit smaller than other plecos, which can prove to be an issue if kept in a community tank (more on that later). Welcome to CichlidTips. Our aim is to help educate anyone who wants to keep fish. Also, the water hardness should be kept between 20-25 with a pH level of 6.5 – 7.5. Even though they’re small, they still like having a lot of room to swim around in and … That’s why, you should only have 1 or 2, in the same tank with your plecos. Pleco fish are also known as Hypostomus plecostomus, commonly known as pleco or the suckermouth catfish is a tropical fish. Bristlenose Pleco Tank Mates Bristlenose Pleco themselves are peace-loving fish, but they can become victims of aggressive tank mates. Yellow Lab Cichlid (Electric Yellow Cichlid) – Care, Tank Mates, Size & Details! All information, content, materials on this site, or obtained from a website to which the site is linked are provided to you “as is” without warranty of any kind either express or implied. You should not keep more than one male in the same aquarium as they might start fighting for territory. Pleco fish is usually found in the freshwater streams. For instance, you can put multiple caves inside the tank, where your fish can hide and rest during the day. © Copyright 2021 - SmartAquariumGuide. But, keeping in view the si… Make sure that the tank has plenty of smooth hiding places. Since there are many different types of Gouramis, you’ll have different water requirements for most of them. Usually, Mollies are very peaceful by nature, but if you keep them in very big groups, they could get angry. Electric Blue Hap – Care, Feeding, Tank Mates & Details! Obviously, the fish obtained its generic name “zebra” due to the similarity of its coloring to black and white one of African zebra. To make sure they live happily in your tank, you should buy at least 5 or 6, because they are schooling fish. The L260 Queen Arabesque Pleco is truly royalty among the Hypancistrus family due to its exceptional beauty, peaceful demeanor, and small, manageable size.. They are peaceful fish, that do well both in small groups, large communities and by themselves as well. The trigger for well-trained … Bristlenose plecos are nocturnal fish, so make sure you have plenty of hiding places in the tank. This fish is also commonly known as the Imperial pleco or by the L numbers; L46 or L98. Hypancistrus Zebra . But you can also feed them fish pellets and flakes. You can get tens of different types, all beautiful in a community tank. Sailfin Plecos spend most of thei… Pitbull Pleco Alternative Name(s): Goby Plec Scientific Name(s): Parotocinclus jumbo Category: Tropical Difficulty: Maximum Size: 6cms Minimum Tank Volume: 70 litres Minimum Tank Size: 30" x 12" x 12" Water Temperature Range: 20-26°C Water pH Range: 6.4-7.5 Water Hardness Range: 5-15 dGH. If you’re looking for a pleco that stays very small then consider getting a Pitbull Pleco. As they are nocturnal, they tend to sleep during the day. The tank setup should also be considered according to the habits of pleco. Also, strong water current is preferred. They go well together with lots of other freshwater fish breeds, plecos included. Not many community fish will live this long. Keep this in mind, and do your research before buying any. Because they are so popular, you can get one quite cheaply. The female pleco lays eggs in the cave which is guarded by the male until the eggs are hatched. There have been 150 species of pleco fish discovered but not every type can be kept in an aquarium. Common Pleco. Most of them range from 1 to 2.5 inches in size, but there are some specimens that will grow bigger (only exceptions). It’s called the Rosy Tetra and you can get it quite easily from many online shops, or even local stores. Any number lower than 5, will make them feel bad, and they can even get sick because of this. Bloating and color loss are major signs. An adult common pleco requires a 150-gallon tank, minimum. The fact that Bristlenose Plecos can become as long as 2 feet shouldn’t hold you back from getting one. Provide the type, size of tanks and pleco, and other tank mates. If you want some truly beautiful fish besides your plecos, the Betta Fish breed is probably among the best choices ever. They can survive in the freshwater or brackish rivers, fast-flowing streams, or rivers with the rocky substrate. The water temperature needs to be kept between 22-30 degrees Celsius which is the same as the flowing water rivers of South America. pleco fish are egg layers. It does not come with any hard or sensitive conditions and requirements. They have a unique membrane over their eyes which is used to control the exposure of light. Moreover, their body is spotted or patterned. Required fields are marked *. The L260 Queen Arabesque Pleco (Hypancistrus sp.) They are a very popular species, both for beginners and experts alike. Unlike other fish on this list, bettas will likely fight each other, if you put too many of them in the same tank. Moreover, the pleco fish can be kept with other pleco fish. Moreover, the pleco fish can be kept with other pleco fish. It is among the smallest of the “pleco” species, reaching an adult size of a maximum 2.4 inches (10 cm), which is less than half the size of the next smallest “Snowball Pleco” species. These hiding places can consist of flower pots, caves, hollowed logs, and a lot of plants. Here’s a quick shopping list of the supplies you’ll need to set-up the ultimate rubber lipped pleco tank! In captivity, 4-5 inches is pretty much their maximum size. Keep an eye out for the water parameters as well. Low water temperature and infrequent water change cause the fungus to multiply. This way, they will behave normally, without much problems towards other species. There are many types of Platies on the market. What do they eat? They require a lot of fiber for good and healthy growth. Home دستهبندی نشده can a bristlenose pleco live with a betta. The dorsal fin has one coarse ray and seven soft rays whereas, the anal fin has one coarse ray and 3-5 soft rays. Keeping in view the above discussion, it can be observed that pleco fish is not difficult to keep. This is another breed that’s originating from South America. But, keeping in view the size, a tank of approximately 300 gallons tank would be required for two pleco fish. However, they are not considered schooling fish, like any other breeds. The idea is, to feed them with vegetables (or other products), that will sink to the bottom of the tank where they usually consume their food. You will sometimes see this species referred to as the Leopard Pleco as well. That’s because Swordtails are also peaceful fish, so they won’t bother your Plecos for no reason. Gourami Fish – Care, Tank Mates, Types, Habitat & Details! Now that you know what bristlenose plecos need to live happily in your aquarium, let’s talk about the 15 best tank mates for them: Guppies are among the most popular fish breeds across the entire globe. Any smaller fish that can easily fit into pleco’s mouth should not be kept with them in the tank as eating smaller ones is their favorite thing to do. Disclosure: I may earn a commission when you purchase through my affiliate links. They have well-developed dorsal (on the upper part of the body), pectoral (paired; one on each side), and tail fins. However, as juveniles, they can be kept in smaller aquariums as long as there is a plan in place to move them as they get bigger. In the wild, plecos breed in the river bank caves. The Pitbull pleco will only grow to 1.5-2 inches, but it will actively clean up your tank. It is better not to keep them with cichlids and other large fish. So, feeding it is pretty easy, even if you’re still a beginner at fish keeping. Tiger Barb Diseases, Parasites & Remedies, Tiger Barb Fish Care – Complete Guide on How to Keep Tiger Barbs, Tiger Barb Fish Profile – Care, Feeding, Breeding, Requirements, 20 Most Popular Aquarium Fish for Community Tanks. Get all the information about Clown Pleco breeding, tank mates, food and care and disease The Otocinclus is a scavenger, that mostly resides on the bottom of the tank, where it looks for left-overs. We reached the end of this article. Their body is covered with the bony plates like other members of the family. Therefore, large hollow caves should be built in to reduce their aggression. Just like the plecos, the loaches also work at night. There are some similarities among them though. 25 to 30-gallon aquarium (or 75 gallons for two plecos) with a hood and lights. It is mostly found in dim and slow-moving waters, that have a lot of driftwood inside. The Zebra Plecostomus is a spectacular catfish that is wanted by nearly every fish keeper but unfortunately purchasing it is not always that easy as they demand a high price, much more than the normal rate. Because of this fact, most people like to purchase multiple versions to put inside their tank. One of the main reasons for this popularity, is their behavior. They have a … Smaller plecos can live in a 10-gallon tank whereas larger species such as Bristlenose require at least a tank of 150 gallons. Any smaller fish that can easily fit into pleco’s mouth should not be kept with them in the tank as eating smaller ones is their favorite thing to do. Also, caring for them is quite easy, which means they go well together with plecos. At times, a large number of hiding places work. Make sure the aquarium is at least 10-gallons in volume, and the other water parameters (temperature and pH LEVEL) are all the same as Plecos have. Gouramies It is not advisable to keep them with Discus and Angelfish as they would like to nip at them. Usually, Platies like to live in small groups. Being nocturnal, pleco fish feed at night. Apistogramma Agassizii – Care, Size, Tank Mates & Details! You will mostly see them swimming around, not just checking the tank’s bottom like plecos do. If not for business, pleco fish is one of the best fish to keep in aquariums. They also require areas to hide and can get quite aggressive and nippy due … Since the bristlenose plecos are originated from rivers in South America, they need freshwater, with a current in it. If you’re a beginner fish keeper, the Mollies are a great starting point to place besides your plecos. I nursed the tank back to health with plentiful water changes, meticulous PH mongering, and introducing a variety of fruits and … For Plecos, the Swordtails are a great addition. The last tank mate for your plecos, is another Tetra, the Rummy Nose Tetra. Hola! It makes them unsuitable for every enthusiast, but experienced fish keepers will be able to keep them well. The tank is overstocked, the pleco do create more waste than the average fish, the Neon are very sensitive to water quality changes, also you are wanting to add a schooling fish which do best in groups of 6 or more and require large areas, at least a 20 gallon amount of space, to swim and school and patrol. Considering the peaceful temperament of pleco fish, these can be kept in a community tank. Cichlids 2. Tank Mates: Peaceful community fish Plecostomus Tank Size and Setup . The fish is native to South America, especially often it can be seen in the Amazon river basin. Sailfin Pleco or Leopard Pleco is probably the most seen inhabitants of huge aquariums. Bristlenose Pleco. As they grow, they become more aggressive towards mating. It's a nice energetic fish, but it can grow to be huge. To know exactly how to set a regular healthy diet, do some thorough research online. The Tiger Barb is a good choice, because if you care for it properly, it can live from 5 to even 10 years. Your email address will not be published. The best part about the Cory Catfish, is the fact that it’s easy to care for it. They will keep your tank clean from any algae, but you can’t expect them to thrive only on that. They grow up to 4.5 inches long and live about 5 years in most cases. Guppy Fish – Care, Compatibility And Details You Need. They live mostly in the middle of the aquarium, so bothering the plecos is not an issue. Siamese Algae Eater – Care, Feeding, Tank Mates & Details You Need! But since you already have plecos, consider a bigger tank, to meet all their needs. As the best Pleco Fish tank mates, the Angelfish is a must-mention candidate. Almost every single Betta Fish is going to beautify your tank in a big way. Since you’re looking for Pleco Fish tank mates, we can’t leave the Platies out. If you think guppies could be a nice addition to your plecos, keep in mind that guppies are very active. Also, to make sure everything is set in place, do some research before you buy these new tank mates for your plecos. Of course, such a fish will need a way bigger aquarium, than only 10 or 15 gallons. They also attach to the rocks, decor, and other hard surfaces with their mouths. So, do not forget to put food for them in the evening as it becomes dark. You must consider this, because Otocincluses are quite sensitive about water parameters. We are about to show you the 10 best Pictus Catfish tank mates, saving you the precious time that you would otherwise need to spend on research. This fish reaches no more than 2.4 inches upon maturity and is usually a slow grower. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Remember to always ask a veterinarian for help regarding your pets. pleco appear to be brown or grey. tropical waters of the Amazon River basin which consists of shallow streams and rivers that flow through forests. More exactly, about which fish species are best as tank mates for bristlenose plecos. They are quite sensitive in this regard! Your email address will not be published. Average Zebra Pleco Size. The common pleco has earned the name armored catfish thanks to its well-formed bones that take the appearance of a war armor. This is another catfish species, that works well together with Plecos. The water temperature is usually not too critical to maintaining as plecos are not that much like the sensitive fish. The river bed has lots of stones and pebbles of various size with small grained sand between them. Thank, metfan581 It originates from the South American rivers. This way, you’ll make sure the new catfish won’t die, as soon as you put them in the new environment. This makes them clean up the algae at the bottom of the tank i.e. In today’s article we’ll talk about bristlenose plecos. Dwarf Gourami – Types, Care, Feeding & Other Details. But when they finally come out of hiding, they’re sure to be the center of attention in your tank. However, productive to get a little Pleco. Its color ranges between black to pale grey with greenish and golden shades. Zebra pleco is endemic of Brazil river Xingu, Amazon river tributary. Most loaches prefer live food. is an exquisitely beautiful member of the Loricariidae family of South American suckermouth catfishes. Their sizes range from only a few inches, up to 28 inches for the giant gourami. Also, it’s good to know that this breed is an omnivore species. Of course, if you plan to buy some tank mates, you don’t have to purchase one of each type. Common Pleco Fish. It’s best if you pick one or two that work for you. This means that your plecos are safe, thus all of them will live in a peaceful environment. For a group that consists in up to 4 Mollies, a 10-gallon tank is a minimum. This breed is another peaceful freshwater fish, perfect tank mate for your plecos. But before that, let’s see what requirements do plecos have. They do not like mating and breeding much. One thing is sure though: no matter which fish you choose from above, you plecos will feel right at home in their company. For your plecos to thrive in the aquarium, 25 gallons of water is a bare minimum, which can go up, if you house other groups of fish as well. The coloration on the fish can change depending on the substrate. Also, if you want to keep a single fish in your aquarium, you are good to go with pleco fish. Generic name Hypancistrus originates from two Greek words “hypo” and “ἄγκιστρον”, which mean ‘lower’ and ‘hook’. If you want another cleaner fish, alongside your plecos, the Khuli Loach is a good choice. Preferred Water … Usually, Swordtail males are quite aggressive towards other males of the same species. – read more. Their geographical range is from Panama to Uruguay in South America. After that, they can be fed with available fry foods in the market or regular food. It is referred to as armored catfish due to the armor-like longitudinal rows of scutes (bony external plates or scales) on the upper parts of its head and body. Having them together with a few plecos is a great idea, because they are a peaceful breed among tropical fish. Beginner and veteran aquarists as well, like them in their tanks. Serpae Tetra – Care, Tank Mates, Feeding & Details! Actually, the bettas are among the most colorful fish species for indoor aquariums, you can get on the market. This makes it possible for them to take oxygen from the air. One Pitbull pleco can be kept in a 20-gallon, but they thrive best in community tanks. All Rights Reserved.
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