Muros gruesos. El Acto comienza en una habitación de la casa de Bernarda Alba, "blanquísima" y con cuadros de paisajes inverosímiles y personajes de leyenda.Es verano. If women unite it mighrt change things but all they do is argue. Green represents the sisters jealousy over Adela and Angustias that Pepe Romano has shown interest in both of them and they have a chance of getting out of the house. She comes across powerful. Very classist and is rude to anyone in a lower class than her. Bernarda: "Hilo y aguja para las hembras. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Perhaps the only thing worse than being under the rule of a man, is being under the rule of a woman pretending to be one. Bernarda: "Me sirves y te pago. She's listening in. Choose from 500 different sets of la casa de bernarda alba garcia flashcards on Quizlet. This is the downfall of Adela in which she believes she can do what she wants and her arrogance is the thing that causes her death. STUDY. All None Ignore? of women) Learn these words 11 words 0 ignored Ready to learn Ready to review Ignore words. Sheep have a fence and women have a metaphorical prison boundary. When Martirio takes Pepe's picture she hides it in her sheets. Lorca uses heat/fire imagery to mirror conflict, sexual passion and fertility. Ella, la hija menor de Bernarda Alba, ha muerto virgen." Placing a copy of him there is as close as she will ever get to sharing a bed with Pepe or any man. White can be seen as pure which is the behaviour Bernarda wants everyone to see. Haceros cuenta que hemos tapiado con ladrillos puertas y ventana." In Spanish "alba" signifies the early liqht of dawn before the sun rises. Gravity. La Poncia: "Este cristal tiene unas motas.". A B ¡Silencio! Amelia: "Ya no sabe una si es mejor tener novio o no.". Adela sucks up to Bernarda and uses her weak spot to do this which she attacks her reputation. Blood Wedding, folk tragedy in three acts by Federico García Lorca, published and produced in 1933 as Bodas de sangre. A spotless house symbolizes an unblemished reputation, the ultimate goal of all Bernarda's vigilance. Delete Quiz. Test. Men use women for sex, money and power. which exaggerates this. Match. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Mind map for ‘LA REPUTACION Y EL QUE DIRAN’ for 'La Casa de Bernarda Alba’ by Lorca for AQA A LEVEL SPANISH 7962. Created by. Shows the class discrimination from everyone even if you are poor like the servants. Morris, pp. Bernarda: 'Magdalena, no llores. The House of Bernarda Alba (Spanish: La casa de Bernarda Alba) is a play by the Spanish dramatist Federico García Lorca. A study of image, symbol, and theme in La casa de Bernarda Alba Iris Scribner Bird University of the Pacific Follow this and additional works at: Part of theSpanish Literature Commons, and theTheatre and Performance Studies Commons This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at Scholarly Commons. Spell. Level 2. En el interior de la casa hay "un gran silencio umbroso", y al levantarse el telón se oye el ruido de campanas. Whereas men go out hard labour. Bernarda's rule is her way of preparing them for what life will be like if they were with a man. Write. Society has forced people to only care about themselves. The heat is unbearable and they need to relieve this pressure in any way they can even though it will never go away. They all know the reality of being with a man, but it is a way of escaping the rule of Bernarda and the oppressive imprisonment of the mourning period. Ignored words will never appear in any learning session. Start studying Lexique La Casa de Bernarda Alba - Acte II. ¡Bernarda! This quiz is incomplete! Spots on the glassware indicate Bernarda' s prescription for respectability is flawed. It is the idea of being trapped in your fate. Created by. Bernarda: 'Una hija desobedece deja de ser hija para convertirse en una enemiga.'. Bernarda: 'Es así como se tiene que hablaren este maldito pueblo sin río, pueblo de pozos, donde siempre se bebe el agua con el miedo de que esté envenenada. Learn. 1. She keeps everyone at arms length because she doesnt trust anyone to keep her secrets. ¡A casarme a la orilla del mar, a la orilla del mar! Played 463 times. las perlas representan las lagrimas (tears o llorar). Bernarda: "¡Nos hundiremos todas en un mar de luto! It forebodes Adela's death. La Poncia makes clear that Bernarda's family is only well-off relative to others in this town, but this angers Bernarda and forces her to draw a line between herself and the maid, to accuse the latter of being lower. This links with the idea of a hamartia in a Greek Tragedy. Lorca paints a picture of women whose sexuality manifests in ugliness and spite because it is prohibited from surfacing in its natural way. Shes worried about people outside the house but they should be worried about the devils in the house. Directed by Mario Camus. 133-44, and Garcia Lorca: La casa de Bernarda Alba (London: Grant & Cutler, 1990). Criada: "Por la puerta se va a la calle. To play this quiz, please finish editing it. Flashcards. PLAY. They have no dreams or aspirations. La Casa de Bernarda Alba Flashcards | Quizlet Completed only two months before the author's execution in Granada at the age of thirty-eight, La casa de Bernarda Alba marks the completion of Lorca's 'trilogia de la tierra española' and is commonly held to be his greatest play. Bossy! Play. Magdelena: "... pero viene por el dinero". He was executed by a Nationalist firing squad in the first months of the Spanish Civil War.… Blood Wedding. Early dawn light is cold, lacking warmth because the sun has not risen yet. Match. First line from Bernarda and we immediatley get a sense of her personality and behaviour. Gravity. Toda la obra sucede en el interior de la casa de Bernarda, donde ella vive con sus cinco hijas, su madre, su criada La Poncia y otra criada. Mandona! blank white (contrast to black which is what they wear at first). La Poncia merely suggests to Bernarda, "open your eyes," and Bernarda quickly defends Martirio, claiming the theft was a joke. Flashcards. b Y Federico García Lorca X La casa de Bernarda Alba, contexto histórico 2 Álvaro Marroquín 1HZ 2017-18 g m 1 p Federico García Lorca A Federico García Lorca es considerado uno de los mejores escritores y dramaturgos de la literatura española, con aportaciones como La casa de B La Pepe el Romano key to all women's despair. Maria josefa says "Pepe el Romano es un gigante." El blanco también representa la pureza, y el negro, la muerte. The silence at dinner in act 2 is broken by the stallion pounding on the walls with its hoofs. Edit. Level 1 Repression (esp. They have no say in anything and have no choice but to live this life. María Josefa: '¡Quiero irme de aquí! Luego estuvo detrás de una ventana oyendo la conversación que traían los hombres, que, como siempre, no se puede oír. Sheep are raised for their meat, milk, wool, hides, and skins, they don't have a life or free will and are ordered around and exploited by farmers. Dominanta! katie_prime. Bernarda is cold and unmoved by the problems of others. She wants to believe that true love is a real thing, and men don't just want someone to obey them, or money, or sexual gratification. No love and romance instead its simply for money and power. Una obra teatral en tres actos escrita en 1936 por Federico García Lorca. Zoomorphism. La Women are raised and have no value apart from to get married and serve a man. En esta casa se respira un clima violento ya que Bernarda va a someter a todas las mujeres de la obra en la casa, será ella quien domine en su Hoy en Draw My Life traemos el resumen de, La casa de Bernarda Alba. Terms in this set (20) Bernarda . The only male in the family dies before the action begins. Bernarda: ¡A eso vienen a los duelos! Doesn't want anyone to show any emotion as she sees it as a weakness and she does not want anyone in society to see her as weak. Magdelena is the only one who seems to accept their fate. Includes key quotes with act and character references as well as hand drawn illustrations to aid memory. Bernarda: "Ella la hija menor de Bernarda Alba ha muerto virgen. Women support roles like this. In the early 1930s Lorca helped inaugurate a second Golden Age of the Spanish theatre. It is still more freedom to move freely, even if the man doesn't love you or respect you. Resumen. 1. Commentators have often grouped it with Blood Wedding and Yerma as a "rural trilogy". Bernarda's last name, Alba, is derived from the Latin word meaning white. One of the most important of all ancient archetypal symbols is that of water, a dual symbol which can be either good or evil or even both. Adela: "Yo hago con mi cuerpo lo que me parece!". La Casa de Bernarda Alba. Print; Share; Edit; Delete; Host a game. She doesn't respect Bernarda's rule, as she believes she is trying to play the role of a man. LA CASA DE BERNARDA ALBA Drama de mujeres en los pueblos de España Personas BERNARDA, 60 años MARÍA JOSEFA (madre de Bernarda), 80 años ANGUSTIAS (hija de Bernarda), 39 años MAGDALENA (hija de Bernarda), 30 años AMELIA (hija de Bernarda), 27 años MARTIRIO (hija de Bernarda), 24 años ADELA (hija de Bernarda), 20 años CRIADA, 50 años LA PONCIA (criada), 60 … After the death of her husband Bernada Alba puts her daughters under a rigurous mourning which does not even allow them to leave the house for seven years. It's sad that women turn on themselves when they need to stick together. This represents all the women in the play to Bernarda and women of society to men. Prison like setting which shows the daughters' entrapment/ imprisonment. Spell. Bernarda is cold and unmoved by the problems of others. Live Game Live. Lorca's symbols for male sexuality, passion, vital energy, and fertility in this play are the stallion, which is never seen on stage. Created by maddietarrant. Adela: "Madre, no oiga usted a quien nos quiere perder a todas.". The stallion's appearance is monstruous which shows Adela's hopeless passion for Pepe and its gigantic size suggests men's power over women. Terms in this set (23) 'Habitacion blanquisima del interior de la casa de Bernarda. the fact that this play has ONLY female characters - pretty significant. Bernarda's name demonstrates their association with one another. Instead she is more concerned by the talk by others and the impact it will have on her reputation. Learn la casa de bernarda alba garcia with free interactive flashcards. Ironic because all of her daughters have disobeyed her and she is completely unaware but she preeches this to the other women. Start studying La Casa de Bernarda Alba - Historical and Social Context. PLAY. Practice. Write. Martirio is suspicious of Adela because of her behaviour regarding Pepe Romano. cgrish. Following the house and the character of Bernarda in importance as major symbols and closely linked to both is the large and complex white image cluster. Si quieres llorar te metes debajo de la cama.'. Solo Practice. Magdelena: "Se ha puesto el traje verde.". She still has an air of romanticism, she believes in the idea of maybe there is hope. Los contrastes son muy frecuentes en la obra lorquiana, y en La casa de Bernarda Alba pueden simbolizar la dicotomía que existe entre lo que quiere el individuo y lo que exige la sociedad, o en este caso lo que quiere Adela frente a lo que quiere su madre. Perhaps, but that does not mean the servant welcomed his attentions, instead of putting up with them. something about the girls names are religious? This definition can be applied to Bernarda. There is inequality everywhere and lorca demonstrates this. Although Women are not physically marked with a dye, but the wedding ring is the marking of that woman like the sheep. A woman's right is to obey the man. Indirectly white relates to the sheets the daughters are making in the sewing scene in Act 2 and, as such, acts as an ironic comment on the fate of Bernarda's daughters. They want a glimpse of outside since they been banned. Adela is distraught that people are gonna kill her and even more so her sisters encourage it. Bernarda is blind to the problems that are in her own house and refuses to look closer because shes afraid of the consequences. La Poncia tries to diffuse the situation, but when Bernarda presses it, La Poncia reminds her she can never keep watch in a person's heart. White can also be symbolised as plain suggesting Bernardas house is an accurate representation of the character in which she is simple and has no elements to her personality. Great for revision of key themes in ‘La Casa de Bernarda Alba’ for the Paper 2 Writing Exam!. A sheep is a person who is meek, stupid and submissive. A shift in mood as Bernarda is absent. Bernarda does not adhere to the code herself, so can she not expect to reap the benefits. 9th - 12th grade . Homework. Although she is wise enough to know how much women suffer, this is something she still craves. Bernarda: 'El caballo garañón, que está encerrado y da coces contra el muro, ... debe tener calor.'. She has only taken a portion of the code which suits her purpose she wants the end product of the code which is respect and honor. representa la vida - Adela keeps asking for water but doesn't seem able to receive any. Created by Bonnie T. Bowen. Farmers use dye that marks the sheep as theirs for identification. She would rather the metaphoric shackles of a marriage then the literal interpretation she has in the house being locked in a room by Bernarda. Pepe Romano is the symbol of all men in which he causes all the problems. This definition can be applied to Bernarda. La Poncia suggests Bernarda would be much quicker to judge were it a neighbor in this situation and that she is blind to what her girls are doing, and finally insists Bernarda has smothered her children. Bernarda does not possess any feelings for concern for her daughters especially since one daughter has just committed suicide because of Bernarda. She is the same as the daughters. This turns the conversation to a discussion of the weather revealing that the stifling heat of the previous night had kept nearly everyone awake causing them to be aware of Pepe's departure but not the hour, it hints at the hidden conflict and building tension among the women. Agrega, si puedes, a quién se lo dice. White and cleanliness are synonyms. Domineering! Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. STUDY. World Languages. Adele comes close to defying this fate, but she gets punished for it and death is the final result of this. 6 Edwards also states that Benavides 'sought release in the embraces of the servant from the prison of Bernarda's prudery' (p. 245). Bernarda is way too obsessed with reputation and has no trust in anyone so much she believes someone may cause harm to her. It represents the family as Bernarda believes she's the perfect representation of society but she has spots of imperfections that can't be cleaned or hidden. The House of Bernarda Alba study guide contains a biography of Federico García Lorca, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Eso tiene la gente que nace con posibles.". She dreams of finding a man of dreams by the coast and escaping to a new and better world. La Casa de Bernarda Alba quotes. Their job is to look after the husband and kids. Edit. La Casa de Bernarda Alba DRAFT. Sheep have basic needs such as food and water like women do but also both are trapped in their lives/prisons.
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