GALBA have been working tirelessly over the last year to fight the proposal, supported by XR in Leeds and many other environmental groups, activists and concerned citizens. Led by Lucius Verginius Rufus, the Rhine army defeated Vindex in battle and Vindex killed himself . Books The governor of Hispania at the time of the rebellion of Gaius Julius Vindex in Gaul, he seized the throne following Nero's suicide. Suetonius added, “He sentenced men of all ranks to death without a trial or the scantiest of evidence… but the most virulent hatred of him smouldered in the army.” He demanded tribute from many of the towns he had conquered, keeping the money for himself. Upon becoming emperor, Galba was faced by the rebellion of Nymphidius Sabinus, who had his own aspirations for the imperial throne. Statue of an emperor, heavily restored by Bartolomeo Cavaceppi... SUETONIUS Vol.II The Lives of the Caesars, II: Claudius. [22] Galba's head was brought by a soldier to Otho's camp where camp boys mocked it on a lance - Galba had angered them previously by remarking his vigor was still unimpeded. all the spectators at once finished the song in chorus and repeated it several times with appropriate gestures, beginning with that verse. Cette année tourmentée allait marquer une rupture dans la succession des empereurs romains : Néron fut en effet le dernier des cinq empereurs de la dynasti… Vinius' head was sold to his daughter for 2500 drachmas; Piso's head was given to his wife. Marcus Aurelius even hoped to extend the empire’s borders through this conflict, but Marcus Aurelius did not live long enough to see this vision to … 0 0 1 0 0 0 0. The legions stationed at the border to Germania marched to meet Vindex and confront him as a traitor. However, Sabinus was killed by the Praetorians before he could take the throne. ". Galba How To Overview. Subscribe by email. Rumors of unrest in many of the provinces, Germany for one, began to emerge. His hands and feet were so distorted by gout that he could not endure a shoe for long, unroll a book, or even hold one. On the following day, the soldiers of Lower Germany also refused to swear their loyalty and proclaimed the governor of the province, Aulus Vitellius, as emperor. This incited a massive rebellion, with the entire Lusitanian tribe mustering as they waged war for three years against Rome, but met with many failures. Agrippina died of starvation in exile on a remote island, and Tiberius had the two brothers imprisoned. Galba abruptly dropped out of public service in 49 AD; supposedly he had rejected the advances of Claudius's wife and Nero's mother, Agrippina the Younger. With the assistance of Otho (who had been exiled to Lusitania by Nero), Galba raised additional legions and marched into Rome, and with the news of Nero’s death verified, assumed the throne. Taking advantage of the defeat of Vindex's rebellion and Nero's suicide, he became emperor with the support of the Praetorian Guard. The body of Galba was taken up by Priscus Helvidius with the permission of Otho; at night [30] Galba's steward Argivus took both the head and body to a tomb in Galba's private gardens on the Aurelian Way. Accordingly his coming was not so welcome as it might have been, and this was apparent at the first performance in the theatre; for when the actors of an Atellan farce began the familiar lines "Here comes Onesimus from his farm" He created a plan to kill all the senators, burn Rome, and flee to Alexandria: “He was on the point of putting these measures into effect when the senate withdrew the guard that surrounded him and then, entering the camp, declared him an enemy and chose Galba in his place.”. Galba's grandfather was a historian and his son was a barrister whose first marriage was to Mummia Achaica, granddaughter of Quintus Lutatius Catulus and great-granddaughter of Lucius Mummius Achaicus;[4] Galba prided himself on his descent from his great-grandfather Catulus. Livia Ocellina became the second wife of Galba's father, whom she may have married because of his wealth; he was short and hunchbacked. These actions caused him to become unpopular.[16]. Many in the Praetorian Guard were shaken by the recent murder of their Prefect Nymphidius Sabinus - some of the waverers were convinced to come over to Otho's side out of fear Galba might yet take revenge on them for their connection to Sabinus. [13] According to one report Galba ran alongside Caligula's chariot for twenty miles. He also seized money from many of the people Nero had lavished; however, the recovered money was not spent on his troops — an act that alienated his own men. Galba had a sexual appetite for males, whom he preferred over females;[4] according to Suetonius, "he was more inclined to … the hard bodied and those past their prime". "[17], In regard to his appointment of Vitellius to Lower Germany: He therefore remained quiet and in the following winter sent Titus to congratulate Galba. They toppled his statues, demanding that a new emperor be chosen. What offended Marcus Salvius Otho? On June 9th, 68 AD, Tiberius Claudius Nero Caesar— better known as Emperor Nero — died by his own hand after being declared an enemy of the state by the Roman senate. At the time of his death, Galileo had been under house arrest for 8 years as a result of having held to the opinion that the sun remains motionless and that the earth revolves around it. On this day, the 17th of March in AD 180, the sixteenth emperor of Rome, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, died at Sirmium in the province of Pannonia (modern day Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia). The soldiery in the capital, composed not just of Praetorians but of Galba's legion from Spain and several detachments of men from the Roman fleet, Illyria, Britain, and Germany, were angered at not having received a donative. The news did not seem to impact Tiberius, the eventual successor to Augustus, when he replied, “Very well, let him live in peace; the news does not concern me in the least.” Suetonius added that the future emperor was “a conscientious student of public affairs, and particularly skilled in law…”. Your email address will not be published. Donald has taught Ancient, Medieval and U.S. History at Lincoln College (Normal, Illinois)and has always been and will always be a student of history, ever since learning about Alexander the Great. Galba distributed a little of the plunder to the army and a little to his friends, the native tribes that sided with him, and kept the rest. “Is it so terrible a thing to die?” one reputedly asked the emperor. Galba. Why did Caius Julius Vindex rebel against Nero's tax policy. Ancient History Encyclopedia Foundation is a non-profit organization. [24], According to Suetonius, Galba put on a linen corset although remarking it was little protection against so many swords; when a soldier claimed to have killed Otho, Galba snapped "On what authority?". Galba did not kill Nero. Upon the death of Caligula, many even suggested that he assume the throne; but he refused — a gesture that earned the respect of Emperor Claudius. Around 39, Vespasian served in the Roman military for about three years. With the assistance of the army, Galba, governor-general of Spain, quickly rose to fill the void. Particularly bad was his becoming under the influence of Vinius; Laco and Icelus:"...To these brigands, each with his different vice, he so entrusted and handed himself over as their tool, that his conduct was far from consistent; for now he was more exacting and niggardly, and now more extravagant and reckless than became a prince chosen by the people and of his time of life. Suetonius wrote that his assumption of the throne was not entirely popular: “His power and prestige were far greater while he was assuming control of the Empire than afterwards; though affording ample proof of his capacity to rule, he won less praise for his good acts than blame for his mistakes.” Mistakes? Who did the legions claim as emperor, during the reign of Galba? [13], A rebellion against Nero was orchestrated by Gaius Julius Vindex in Gaul on the anniversary of the death of Nero's mother, Agrippina the Younger, in 68. He was supported by the imperial official Tigellinus. He met his end in the seventy-third year of his age and the seventh month of his reign. Likewise, when did vitellius die? As Roman emperor, Nero’s reign was lavish and tyrannical. [20], On 1 January 69, the day Galba and Vinius took the office of consul,[21] the fourth and twenty-second legions of Upper Germany refused to swear loyalty to Galba. So what did you do if you have a political enemy that was really getting under your skin? While little in known of Galba's early years, historian Suetonius in his The Twelve Caesars wrote that Emperor Augustus singled Galba out of a group of young boys and said, “You too will taste a little of my glory, child,” suggesting that Galba would one day be emperor. Tiberius acted first and accused her and Caligula’s two older brothers of treason. Who was Servius Sulpicius Galba? Born into a wealthy family, Galba held at various times the offices of praetor, consul, and governor of the provinces Aquitania, Upper Germany, and Africa during the first half of the first century AD. According to Cassius Dio in his Roman History, Nero was at a loss when he heard of Galba being declared emperor by his soldiers. Suetonius wrote that Nero was too cowardly to kill himself, so he asked one of his enslaved servants to stab him instead. [11], Galba became praetor in about 30,[10] then governor of Aquitania for about a year,[12] then consul in 33. 'His power and prestige were far greater while he was assuming control of the. According to Tacitus, Agrippina got Halotus to feed Claudius a poisoned mushroom and when that did not work, Claudius’s doctor put a poisoned feather down his throat, ostensibly to make him vomit. Galba seized the property of Roman citizens, disbanded the German legions, and did not pay the Praetorians and the soldiers who fought against Vindex. [22] Otho was angry that he had been passed over for adoption, and organized a conspiracy with a small number of Praetorian Guards to murder the aged emperor and elevate himself. Quo Vadis (1951), MGM. Ocellina adopted Galba, and he took the name Lucius Livius Galba Ocella. Only now, in July 68, did Galba accept the imperial titles and the appellation Caesar from the Senate's envoys and Dio is explicit in stating that Galba had never before styled himself emperor in any communication. [4][5] [26] Vinius tried to run away, calling out that Otho had not ordered him killed, but was run through with a spear. 19 It is only after his arrival in Rome in the autumn that Galba was elected pontifex maximus, the last of the titles to appear on his coinage. On this day in 180AD the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius died. He no longer felt his hold on the throne was dependent upon them, so why should he bribe them. As Pharaoh of Egypt, Galba adopted the titulary, sfn error: no target: CITEREFMorgan2005 (, sfn error: no target: CITEREFDonahue2009 (, [Seutionius "Life of Galba" Chapters 4; 12-14], [Suetonius "Life of Vitellius" Chapter 7], [Seutionius "Life of Galba" Chapters 21-23], [Suetonius "Life of Galba" Chapters 20-21], he was equal to the imperial office if he had never held it, Galba Conservation Project: researching Galba's heritage,, Roman emperors murdered by the Praetorian Guard, Roman governors of Hispania Tarraconensis, Roman consuls dying in year of consulship, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Trove identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with multiple identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 15 February 2021, at 02:59. Some Rights Reserved (2009-2021) under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license unless otherwise noted. Search and … One of them also died of starvation, and the other from suicide. Galba was appointed as governor of Africa in 44 or 45. He did not have an especially impressive military career. Sixième empereur depuis Auguste, il fut aussi le premier de l'année des quatre empereurs. By signing up, you'll get thousands of step-by-step solutions to your homework questions. Suetonius wrote, “…messengers arrived from Rome with the news that Nero, too, was dead, and that the citizens had all sworn obedience to himself (Galba), so he dropped the title of governor-general and assumed that of Caesar.” Galba was also motivated by rumors that Nero had wanted him assassinated. The list of the most helpful results for Galba how to that is provided above may be of help for users. Galba would remain a widower for the rest of his life. Vitellius. [10] In 39 the emperor Caligula learned of a plot against himself in which Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus Gaetulicus, the general of the Upper German legions, was an important figure; Caligula installed Galba in the post held by Gaetulicus. Marcus Salvius Otho, governor of Lusitania, and Gaius Julius Vindex, one of the governors of Gaul, appealed to Galba to overthrow Nero. For this loyalty, Claudius appointed him pro-consul of Africa with orders to suppress a series of disturbances and native revolts. It is not too late to have your voice heard. Lucius Calpurnius Piso Licinianus, a young senator. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this content non-commercially, as long as they credit the author and license their new creations under the identical terms. When did Galba die? He revolted against Nero. "Galba." "[19], Tacitus (Histories 1.49) comments on the character of Galba: "He seemed too great to be a subject so long as he was subject, and all would have agreed that he was equal to the imperial office if he had never held it." Another account, reported by Suetonius, had a dish of poisoned mushrooms given by Agrippina herself and said the second attempt involved poisoned gruel or a poisoned enema. Coin value: 2 250 USD photo: ©CNG Buy Galba coins Reverse: DIVA AVGVSTA, S - C to left and right Female figure (Livia), draped, standing left, right holding patera, left long sceptre. He retired at an uncertain time during the reign of Claudius, possibly in 49. Interest in Branson as a commuity with good business prospects surged when it was learned that the railroad would soon come to it. These are the ways applied by many people. He was the absolute monarch for over forty years, from 27 B.C. Artaxerxes. While Galba was arriving to Rome with the Lusitanian governor Marcus Salvius Otho, his army was attacked by a legion that had been organized by Nero; a number of Galba's troops were killed in the fighting. He was recalled in 59 or 60 by the emperor Nero (r. 54–68) to govern Hispania. Nero reportedly kicked her during an argument when she was pregnant in 65 C.E., resulting in her death, … gladiatorial games), considering them a waste of money. He was found guilty by the inquisition in Rome for defending the Copernican theory of heliocentr… The senate, as soon as it was allowed to do so, voted him a statue standing upon a column adorned with the beaks of ships, in the part of the Forum where he was slain; but Vespasian annulled this decree, believing that Galba had sent assassins from Spain to Judaea, to take his life. Galba believed any sign of disobedience or disrespect to be completely unacceptable and, therefore, a challenge to his authority. Wasson, Donald L. Italics indicates a junior co-emperor, while underlining indicates a usurper. He was known as Lucius Livius Ocella Sulpicius Galba[note 1] prior to taking the throne as a result of his adoption by his stepmother, Livia Ocellina. Following this rejection, the desperate Nero considered his options. How did augustus die? Nero committed suicide, killing himself.Galba did not kill Nero. Name * Email * Website . His reputation and ability to command grew. [6] Reportedly, Galba was distantly related to Livia[7] to whom he had much respect and in turn by whom he was advanced in his career; in her will she left him fifty million sesterces; Emperor Tiberius however cheated Galba by reducing the amount to five hundred thousand sesterces and never even paid Galba the reduced amount. governor of Hispania Tarraconensis. Otho was hailed as the new emperor in January 69 D. Galba had served less than seven months, becoming the first in a line of what would later become known as “the year of the four emperors.”, Related Content Retrieved from Further, that he had melted down a golden crown of fifteen pounds weight, which the people of Tarraco had taken from their ancient temple of Jupiter and presented to him, with orders that the three ounces which were found lacking be exacted from them. [12] Suetonius writes that Galba was advised to take the throne following the assassination of Caligula in 41, but loyally served Caligula's uncle and successor Claudius (r. 41–54); this story may simply be fictional. He was lured out to the scene of his assassination in the Forum by a false report of the conspirators. Written by Donald L. Wasson, published on 23 August 2012 under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. Wasson, D. L. (2012, August 23). - Augustus caesar life timeline - Augustus caesar biography :Augustus Caesar, born in Rome in the year 63 BC on September 23, is considered to be the first greatest Roman Emperor. Ancient History Encyclopedia. While Galba was arriving to Rome with the Lusitanian governor Marcus Salvius Otho, his army was attacked by a legion that had been organized by Nero; a number of Galba's troops were killed in the fighting. Galba was Roman emperor from June 68 to January 69 CE. Some think that it was due to Titus Vinius, who had great influence at the time, and whose friendship Vitellius had long since won through their common support of the Blues. 69—Not Nice After All. Shortly afterwards Galba, in rebellion against Nero, rejected the title "General of Caesar" in favor of "General of the Senate and People of Rome". "Galba surprised everyone by sending him to Lower Germany. Nevertheless, Galba was killed by the Praetorians on 15 January. General Index, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. March 17, 2015, by Will Leveritt. Nero. With the exception of Nero, the other Julio-Claudians —Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula and Claudius— seemed to respect Galba, enabling him to hold a series of public offices. Who did Galba adopt us his successor? Galba either tried to buy his life with a promise of the withheld bounty or asked that he be beheaded. Galba naming Licinianus as his successor. Galba tried to ensure his authority as emperor was recognized by adopting the nobleman Lucius Calpurnius Piso Licinianus as his successor. Galba... Tales of the White Knight: Tirant lo Blanc, Rebellion and Reconstruction: Galba To Domitian, Lives, XI: Aratus. Add a Comment. Please note that content linked from this page may have different licensing terms. Nero then committed assisted suicide with help from his secretary. Text by Mike Welbourn. As for his appearance, he was completely bald (although coins of the era picture him with hair) and suffered a severe case of arthritis, crippling both his hands and feet – he was even unable to wear shoes. J.-C. - 15 janvier 69 apr. The origin of the cognomen Galba is uncertain. December 22, 69 AD . Map: Year of the Four Emperorsby Andrei Nacu & Steerpike (CC BY-SA), With the assistance of Otho (who had been exiled to Lusitania by Nero), Galba raised additional legions and marched into Rome, and with the news of Nero's death verified, assumed the throne. Emperor Galba was the first Roman Emperor who was not from the Julio-Claudian dynasty. Vitellus' troops proclaimed him emperor the next year instead of swearing their allegiance to Galba. For having compelled some marines whom Nero had made regular soldiers to return to their former position as rowers, upon their refusing and obstinately demanding an eagle and standards, he not only dispersed them by a cavalry charge, but even decimated them. When the jurors petitioned that a sixth division be added to their number, he not only refused, but even deprived them of the privilege granted by Claudius, of not being summoned for court duty in winter and at the beginning of the year. Galba (/ˈɡælbə/; Servius Galba Caesar Augustus; Latin: [ˈsɛr.wijʊs ˈgaɫba]; 24 December 3 BC – 15 January AD 69) was Roman emperor from 68 to 69, the first emperor in the Year of the Four Emperors. [8], Servius Sulpicius Galba was born near Terracina on 24 December 3 BC. Herein, how did Galba die? [29] Galba's head was bought for 100 gold pieces by a freeman who threw it at Sessorium where his master Patrobius Neronianus had been killed by Galba. He retired during the latter part of Claudius' reign with the advent of Agrippina the Younger, but Nero later granted him the governorship of Hispania. About this blog. Now that Vindex did wisely in inviting Galba to the empire, Nero himself bore testimony; who, ... Ptolemaeus, insisting much on a prediction he had made, that Nero should not murder Otho, but he himself should die first, and Otho succeed as emperor; for the first proving true, he thought he could not distrust the rest. There was trouble at a picnic on the Fourth of July in 1889, and "Gab" was killed before it was over, as was a United States marshall. J.-C.) (latin : Servius Sulpicius Galba Imperator Cæsar Augustus) est un empereur romain, qui régna de juin 68 jusqu'à sa mort en janvier 69. With no alternative and the support of the military, Otho bribed the Praetorian Guards (they felt little loyalty of Galba) who murdered both Galba and Piso in the Roman Forum, bringing their severed heads to him. Answer to: How did Emperor Nero die? Ancient History Encyclopedia. Galba was not related to any of the emperors of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, but he was a member of a distinguished noble family. 20 As we draw towards the final decision date, we will have a look over the last years events and explain what can be done in these last few days. [27] Laco was banished to an island where he was later murdered by soldiers of Otho. Wasson, Donald L. This reign was popularly called the Augustan Age. Required fields are marked * Comment. [15], Upon becoming emperor, Galba was faced by the rebellion of Nymphidius Sabinus, who had his own aspirations for the imperial throne. License. [16] Galba, who suffered from chronic gout by the time he came to the throne,[4] was advised by a corrupt group which included the Spanish general Titus Vinius, the praetorian prefect Cornelius Laco, and Icelus, a freedman of Galba. See Answer. Image by Kelly Grimshaw and Katy Davies . He rose rapidly through the ranks, eventually becoming governor of Africa (44 – 45 CE). Galba (24 décembre 3 av. [23] They also resented Galba's purges of their officers and fellow soldiers (this was especially true of the men from the fleet). The Ancient History Encyclopedia logo is a registered EU trademark. Galba was the son of the consul Gaius Sulpicius Galba and Mummia Achaica, and in addition to great wealth and ancient lineage he enjoyed the favour of the emperors Augustus and Tiberius. Even so, Galba is noteworthy because he was neither related to nor adopted by his predecessorNero. He is eager to pass knowledge on to his students. It was an ignominious death for the last of the original imperial dynasty, the Julio-Claudians. His physical weakness and general apathy led to him being dominated by favorites. The only help for him was a centurion in the Praetorian Guard named Sempronius Densus who was killed trying to defend Galba with a pugio; 120 persons later petitioned Otho that they had killed Galba; they would be executed by Vitellius. Assassination . However, Sabinus was killed by the Praetorians before he could take the throne. "His double reputation for cruelty and avarice had gone before him; men said that he had punished the cities of the Spanish and Gallic provinces which had hesitated about taking sides with him by heavier taxes and some even by the razing of their walls, putting to death the governors and imperial deputies along with their wives and children. For only $5 per month you can become a member and support our mission to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide. This reputation was confirmed and even augmented immediately on his arrival in the city. Reuben's brother, Galba, in the meantime, had become sheriff of Taney County. One was to flee to Parthia while another was to wait and throw himself on the mercy of the advancing Galba. [18], "He was of average height, very bald, with blue eyes and a hooked nose. 4. He was killed near the Lacus Curtius. No comments yet, fill out a comment to be the first. Galba died on 69-01-15. On this day in 3BC the Roman emperor Galba was born. Suetonius wrote, “In grueling manueuvres (sic) he toughened old campaigners as well as raw recruits and sharply checked a barbarian raid into Gaul.” Early on, he had earned a reputation for both cruelty and ruthlessness. Top Answer. [3] One of Galba's ancestors had been consul in 200 BC, and another of his ancestors was consul in 144 BC; the later emperor's father and brother, both named Gaius, would hold the office in 5 BC and AD 22 respectively. Galba. Was Galba a good emperor? On 9 June in AD 68, he committed suicide, becoming the first Roman Emperor to do so, after learning that he had been tried in … In an instant, Caligula’s entire family was in the ground. Answer to: How did Emperor Tiberius die? During this time, Caligulawas the emperor of Rome. He condemned to death distinguished men of both orders on trivial suspicions without a trial. The evidence for the principate of Galba is unsatisfactory. In April, the soldiers in Rome and the Senate swore their allegiance to Vitellius. Ancient History Encyclopedia Limited is a non-profit company registered in the United Kingdom. Unable to gain popularity with the people or maintain the support of the Praetorian Guard, Galba was murdered by Otho, who then became emperor. He held the position for eight years, but as the empire began to crumble under the poor leadership of Nero, many of the provincial governors began to call for his ousting. Vindex's revolt failed in its immediate aim, though Nero fled Rome when its discontented civil and military authorities chose Galba as emperor. The sources either concentrate on thepersonality of the man, thereby failing to offer a balanced account of his policies and a firmchronological base for his actions; or, they focus on the final two weeks of his life at the expenseof the earlier part of his reign. Because he was in his early seventies and with his hold on the throne tenuous, Galba adopted Lucius Calpurnius Piso Licinianus as his son and heir, an act that angered his long-time supporter Otho, who had considered himself the rightful successor. His elder brother Gaius fled from Rome and committed suicide because the emperor Tiberius would not allow him to control a Roman province. When Galba’s legions declared him Emperor in 68 AD, the Senate ordered that Nero should be executed like a slave: placed on a cross and whipped. Last modified August 23, 2012. Cite This Work [] As a result, a detailed account of his principate is difficult to write. Asked by Wiki User. [9] Nevertheless, he married a woman named Aemilia Lepida and had two sons. According to Cassius Dio in his Roman History, Nero was at a loss when he heard of Galba being declared emperor by his soldiers. We have also been recommended for educational use by the following publications: Ancient History Encyclopedia Foundation is a non-profit organization registered in Canada. He revolted against Nero. Vitellius made himself consul for life and pontifex maximus. In 41, there was a new emperor in Rome, Claudius. 19 Feb 2021. You looked up Locusta of Gaul or as she was known, Locusta the Poisoner. Suetonius wrote the following descriptions of Galba's character and physical description: Wiki User Answered . The following tales too were told in mockery of him, whether truly or falsely: that when an unusually elegant dinner was set before him, he groaned aloud; that when his duly appointed steward presented his expense account, he handed him a dish of beans in return for his industry and carefulness; and that when the flute player Canus greatly pleased him, he presented him with five denarii, which he took from his own purse with his own hand. He eventually returned to service in 60 CE at Nero's request when the governorship of Spain became available. [31], "Servius Sulpicius Galba" redirects here. "Even before he reached middle life, he persisted in keeping up an old and forgotten custom of his country, which survived only in his own household, of having his freedmen and slaves appear before him twice a day in a body, greeting him in the morning and bidding him farewell at evening, one by one" How did Galba die? For other uses, see. To the citizens of Rome, who had welcomed the death of Nero, he no longer spent money on lavish shows (i.e. Galba, who suffered from chronic goutby the time he came to the throne, was advised by a corr… Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Ancient History Encyclopedia, 23 Aug 2012. Servius Sulpicius Galba was born into an aristocratic family on December 24, 3 BCE to Gaius Sulpicius Galba and Mummia Achaica. Tacitus describes her in his Annals, “This was the famous Locusta; a woman lately condemned as a dealer in clandestine practices, but reserved among the instruments of state to serve the purposes of dark ambition. Ae As - Galba ( 68 ) - Tarraco RIC 67, BMC 201 - 10,5 grams - 27 mm - S Obverse: SER GALBA IMP CAESAR AVG P M TR P P P, laureate, right, globe at point of bust.
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