It also hits some center squares. or 6.f4 etc. Easy Guide to the Sicilian Scheveningen. Move 8...b6 - We make way for developing our other bishop. It only really took off as being “respectable” after Boris Spassky – who took to it after getting nothing against it when he faced Ujtelky’s Hippo at Sochi 1964 – stunned the chess world by successfully deploying it twice (in the 12th and 16th games) for the better side of draws with Tigran Petrosian during their … This video contains funny Hippo moments as well as awesome looking Hippo attacks on boats and cars. my results were good , but my problem was I would … How is the hippo attack and defense played? An the white king is on this side. Move 2.d4 - Lets say white continues with another pawn move. Draw game. If you remember we have reached the set up we wanted to reach. He has been coaching in his chess club for many years. Move 1...g6 - This move is a hyper-modern move which is very flexible. The HIPPO System: A Universal Chess Opening for White and Black. However, White has to be careful. However, if they play a massive center do not try to force the issue. Since the Hippo defense does well in closed positions. You will respond with e5 locking the position. You might thus see it as a type of jujitsu stance, ready to absorb whatever blows White might throw while striking back at whatever weaknesses his attack exposes. PDF Libros electrónicos gratuitos en todos los formatos para Android Apple y Kindle. After your opponents first move, no matter which of the below moves it is: Through the course of my travels and study's. And super GM events are boring. E Glass … A Black setup against White's Hippo Attack. Black has 2 follow up which seem to be playable. You want to avoid playing the Hippo Defense if your opponent has the following pawn configurations: The reason why you want to avoid playing the Hippo Defense when your opponent has such a huge pawn mass is simply because the large pawn center allows white to blast open the position. Hippos can crush a human to death using their weight - ranging anywhere from 3,000 to 9,000 pounds. Move 5.Bc4 - Lets say white plays this move. Connect. Now here is the brillance of the plan. This is a pawn formation you want to avoid as black! Did you know that the hippopotamus is the most dangerous of all large animals? Play something esle. We are just chosing when to play our moves. white a5 attack J Shaw vs A D Martin, 2004 (B00) Uncommon King's Pawn Opening, 54 moves, 0-1. hippo white Bg5 R Gruettner vs Wang Yue, 2003 (A00) Uncommon Opening, 39 moves, 0-1. Thank you Deirdre. It does not matter on what move they do there pawn move. In his book on the Hippo Attack & Defence, Eric Briffoz wrote: <"The Hippo somehow combines the benefits of the Owen defence (1… b6), together with the benefits of the Modern Defence (1…g6). To get Play the Hippo Attack and Defense: A Universal Chess Opening for White and Black (Paperback) eBook, remember to access the hyperlink below and save the ebook or get access to other information which are related to PLAY THE HIPPO ATTACK AND DEFENSE: A UNIVERSAL CHESS OPENING FOR WHITE AND BLACK (PAPERBACK) ebook. If I'm playing as White against the Hippo Defense, I usually go with this setup. The Start of the Hippo DefenseDUN DUN DUN! The Hippopotamus Defence is just what a club player needs. Billing Issues. The moves in reaching that position can vary alot. Do you see how since the center is closed black can now start to do pawn breaks with either c5 or f5. Tim Hawkins, a comedian, said, " If a hippo ate my friend and I was being interviewed for it, it would be sad. Everything at the present moment looks normal so lets see how you want to play it out. Even if they don't do this move you will see how we continue. Nc3 g6 4. e4 Bg7 5. It looks pretty good for white to have nice central pieces. The hippo is characterized by double fianchetto of the player's bishops utilizing the so-called "hypermodern" technique to control the center of the board from afar. The Hippo defense pawns are placed in such a way that they meet every opponents pawn response with a way to close the position(Lock the position). As White moves first, it has the obligation to be active and attack. The Hippo is an Ultraflexible System based on a Characteristic double Fianchetto development which can be applied as White and Black. It is become very popular in higher level chess. Tim Hawkins has a YouTube channel, search Tim … Do you see how in a blink of an eye. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Just about all plausible structures that White may try are anticipated, examined and, consequently, appropriate antidotes are advised. Search. Hope you enjoyed yourself. Alot of aggressive attacking players would try this move for sure. After mastering the Modern and the Owen defenses, he decided to Master the System which is taking advantage of both defenses. Be2 d6 7. - Lets say white plays this move. Black might even have idea's of doing a pawn roller similar to a Kings Indian Defence or Pirc type of position. I mean how many of us have had a situation were our opponent saw our knight than they decided to pinn it? At first glance you might say this line looks cute and passive. It is also a very nice waiting move. Buy Play The Hippo Attack and Defense: A Universal Chess Opening for White and Black by Briffoz, Eric (ISBN: 9781975836979) from Amazon's Book Store. Play The Hippo Attack and Defense: A Universal Chess Opening for... Stock Image. Establishing 2 pawns side by side in the center. However, It has its limitations. jr87 Sep 7, 2017 #1 How is the hippo attack and defense played? I will show you ways of playing other lines to help you avoid such a situation. This move is a hyper-modern move which is very flexible. I very much like the author’s approach to work out the typical strategic and tactical themes that one will encounter as Black.” -- International Master Dirk Schuh, Rochade Europa Magazine. In this video, Jerry is showing people how to beat the Hippo Defense with the white pieces. Lurking underneath lies a deadly position. View Larger Image Play The Hippo Attack and Defense: A Universal Chess Opening for White and Black Briffoz, Eric. In this line as Black you wait around doing alot of pawn/piece moves waiting until white starts to push there pawns. I can't blame them for doing that. Now here is the point of the discussion. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Title: "Easy Guide to the Hippo Attack & Defence" Released: 2017 Format: pdf Size: 5 Mb. Which a beginner might have huge problems in doing! Easy Guide to the Bb5 Sicilian - download book. Which is why it can be a very fun opening to try and learn. Lets say white plays d5. So in a way we are still following our set up plan. Download The HIPPO System Books now! Help. In advance of opening it up I was expecting something superficial, but once I delved into those murky waters where Hippos dwell, I was impressed by De Santis’s application. Format Paperback | 154 pages Dimensions 152 x 229 x 8mm | 213g … I loved the Kings Indian Defense so if they played 3.c4. Few chess players, however, took any notice of the Hippo. He started Chess at 8 years old, won many tournaments, and beat masters. Other books. Descargar ebooks gratis para llevar y leer en cualquier lugar. Which can be scary sometimes in chess. In truth you would be right in saying the line is some what passive. The Hippopotamus Defence: A Deceptively Dangerous Universal Chess Opening System for Black, Skip to the beginning of the images gallery, Forcing Chess Moves - New and Extended 4th Edition: The Key to Better Calculation, Keep It Simple 1.d4: A Solid and Straightforward Chess Opening Repertoire for White, Endgame Tactics - New, Improved and Expanded Edition: A Comprehensive Guide to the Sunny Side of Chess Endgames, How Magnus Carlsen Became the Youngest Chess Grandmaster ...: The Story and the Games, Attacking Chess for Club Players: Improve Your Skills to Overpower Your Opponents. My recommendation would be to tranpose into a KID with 3...d6 and than Nf6. As always, Thank you very much for reading. Many would find a master level bullet match-up on lichess more interesting than a typical super-GM game. Always remember avoid facing triple pawn formations as black in the Hippo Defense! (Sides of the board - King side or Queen side). De Santis really has come at his subject from all conceivable angles to leave no stone unturned. Usually players move the pieces on the side of the board they are planning on castling on first. You must be patient, no quick Tal or Morphy mates with it. Which is why players who play the Hippo Defense as black have alot of different move orders they can use in order to reach this position. Just storming the white king. Notice the yellow highlights. It is estimated that they kill 500 people a year in Africa. Simple easy chess nothing major. The only thing to pay attention to is were they castle. Puzzles. Paperback. The two most common moves as white in this position are: Move 4.Be3 - If white plays this move you have to make some very creative waiting move to make sure they do not play 5.f4! Move 7.Bg5 - Now it may seem crazy. You will respond with d5 locking the position. This move is a very sensible move stopping white from continuing with a e5 pawn push. At move 3 white has 3 different mainline moves: Notice the move I have higlighted in red above. Move 6...Ne7 - We develop our knight to e7 one of its normal squares in the Hippo. The Hippopotamus Defence is a line played with the black pieces which is considered a universal system. He has been coaching in his chess club for many years. You are all set and can start the Hippo Defense set up. It’s universal: Black can use the Hippo against virtually all of White’s choices (1.e4, 1.d4, 1.c4, 1.f4, the Colle, London, Trompowsky, Réti and others). Than we ended up forgetting and lost our queen? Save for Later. ISBN 10: 1975836979 / ISBN 13: 9781975836979. So you have to be able to be prepared for that. Nf3 e6 6. It does get played in the Hippo Defense and it is not considered a very commital move. I will share with you a link to a youtube video by a National Master named Jerry. For all other countries, click here. You are all set and can start the Hippo Defense set up. “This work was little short of a revelation. But it would also he hard for me to keep a straigt face! Eric Briffoz is a renowned Chess Expert of the Hippo System. I will go back to the fake game I made up above just as a demonstration. Move 2...Bg7 - After whites move, Black respones with Bg7. Play it when you can against people who let you. The white center disappears? Report Abuse. Like its spiritual cousin the Hedgehog, the Hippo is above all a flexible formation that waits to respond to White's aggressive advances by seizing whatever squares or lines the attacker surrenders. I can't add much to the excellent review given by "Daniel Chess" (senior patzer) , but i'll say that in 2014 I purchased two good books on the hippo ( "the hippo rises" and tiger's modern") . Why should white be worryed about a line that is cute and passive? If you like to confront your opponents with some unexpected counter-attacks, then you need not look any further.Alessio de Santis is a FIDE Master and one of the best known and most successful chess authors of Italy. - If white plays this move. White plays d4 to gain more space and have more open lines for there bishops. It’s not very well known and will surprise many opponents. If white does this do not play a Hippo Defense. The Hippopotamus Defence is just what a club player needs. We want to fianchetto our other bishop soon eventually. It’s universal: Black can use the Hippo against virtually all of White’s choices (1.e4, 1.d4, 1.c4, 1.f4, the Colle, London, Trompowsky, Réti and others). However, again it is a fake threat which will never happen lol. You want to avoid playing against a triple pawn formation as black in the Hippo. After mastering the Modern and the Owen defenses, he decided to Master the System which is taking advantage of both defenses. It the interviewer asked how the incident happened, I would say that the hippo kinda crept behind Harry, and he kinda moved his ...[text shortened]... straight. I have found the move 1...g6 to be a universal move which handles the different pawn formations pretty well. The way he beats it is instructive.WHY? Simply because I don't want you to be fixated on some of the trival moves. Black can … You want white to play with both there knight outs and only 2 pawns in front. Fast and free shipping free returns cash on delivery available on eligible purchase. Active 4 months ago. In his book on the Hippo Attack & Defence, Eric Briffoz wrote: "The Hippo somehow combines the benefits of the Owen defence (1… b6), together with the benefits of the Modern Defence (1…g6). etc.using the Hippo exclusively against any thing white threw at me . The Hippo is a marvelous Defense in Blitz or OTB longer games. You want to respond with a closing pawn move in return. Soon you will see how bad it starts to get when he starts pushing his center pawn's. Move 9...Bb7 - We make develop our other bishop. In the begining of the article.Now here is the point of the discussion. It is a good move by them. In the second and third stage De Santis leads you through the most important concrete lines and introduces the Semi-Hippopotamus to counter some specific White ideas. Since the Hippo defense does well in closed positions. The idea of this move is to control the b5 square. Information Users of Guests are not allowed to … It’s universal: Black can use the Hippo against virtually all of White’s choices (1.e4, 1.d4, 1.c4, 1.f4, the Colle, London, Trompowsky, Réti and others). Chess books are mostly irrelevant. The reason why would be become white pawn formation would have a pawn on d4,e4,f4. An what is left is with you having a nice pawn storm? However, your 4th move is the same in all 8 moves lol. If a pawn move happens you need alot of care. Download book. If your opponent play his G pawn all the way to g5. You will see why as we keep going. After your opponents first move, no matter. A nice ride on a boat on a river in Africa is interrupted when a Hippo out of nowhere jumps out of the water and attacks the boat. If you rememeber in the Hippo Set up I showed in the very top h6 is a move played in the Hippo. Making a pawn storm. Since whites pieces are in the center and the center is locked. After white makes their 3rd move either Nc3 or Nf3. Chess Mastery Series (95) Mastermind (24) Opening Lab (11) TCW Academy (35) Roman's Chess Lab (120) Other Courses (6) Modern Chess (1) Improve My Chess (11) iChess (278) + 80/20 (17) Empire Chess (129) Endgame Renaissance (7) Lemos Deep Dive (22) Masterclass (6) MasterMethod (47) ICC (21) Grandmaster Magazine (18) Foxy Chess (183) ChessLecture (166) Chess … 3...d6 - I am going to recommend this move to beginners, 3...a6 - I am going to recommend this move to higher level players, White does have alot of moves here. Language: English. Who goes by the game name Chess Network. You can search for it from different video's, books, and databases etc. Make a Suggestion. Most people who play chess have 2-3 black chess openings. For the very first time in Chess History, its theory is explained and Grandmaster games are analysed in detail for both the Hippo Attack & Defence! The extensive explanations and clear conclusions make this book an easy-to-navigate manual for all club players. In fact, one move has been gaining some hype recently. Finished Prepare for the Hippo Attack! jr87 Sep 8, 2017 #2 Wow. O-O Ne7 8. The line is called the Hippo Defense because it is like a real life Hippo. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Blacks Bg7 move puts some pressure on the d4 pawn as well. The Hippo Defense is only effective in a closed position environment. Following a previous post on the subject, we are happy to report that now it is available a Forward Chess Interactive ebook on the Elsha... "Side-Stepping Mainline Theory: Cut Down on Opening Study and Get a Middlegame You Are Familiar With" by IM … You can use the Hippo as a surprise weapon or as your main repertoire. ... Hippo? The Hippo Defense trys to seek a position which look exactly like this. If white plays 4.f4 my recommendation would than be to play 4...Nf6 and tranpose into the Pirc Defense. This is the position you want to get into. His book can be studied on three levels: after a first flash of 3 to 4 hours you will be familiar with the Hippo’s basic moves and key variations, its strategic themes and recurring manoeuvres. Buy Play The Hippo Attack and Defense: A Universal Chess Opening for White and Black by online on at best prices. HA HA. We do the little move h6. Stock Image. Move 8.Bh4 - Lets say our opponent is stubborn and they want to maintain the pin. Which I want you to take extreme care over! What you should play another line instead. It really is not that great. or 6.f4 etc. Everything seems normal for white. The Hippo does not do well against a 3 pawn center. The Hippo Defense is a line you can fit into your own repertoire with lines you may already use. Which hopefully will get you to understand playing the Hippo Defense can be fun and good. Internet is where the action is nowadays and the evolution of chess. Than you respond with e5 locking the position. Ask a Question. Than the resulting position would have a pawn on c4,d4,e4. The Third Edition of an already Classical Chess book! In this case f5 would be a nice pawn break undermining the center. Which can not be avoided if your opponent has so many pawns in the center! I mean come on show of hands? The move you want to play would be 4.a6 which is a nice move. His pieces become useless . Learn. However, the wonderful part is most of the moves still let you play the Hippo. Report a Bug. This move surely is a move they will play. It blunts the light square bishop. white early attack. Tiger Hillarp Persson wrote a couple books on the Modern defense, where has a chapter on the Hippo. Shipping to the United States, Canada or Mexico? FIDE Master Alessio de Santis is one of the world’s greatest experts on the Hippo and has written a practical, well-structured and accessible manual. He started Chess at 8 years old, won many tournaments, and beat masters. The move orders of the Hippo Defence in fact vary from Hippo player to Hippo player. The only line which does not is the move 4.f4. Today. It looks like white is doing great. Which by playing the move Nf3 it moves the knight away so they can try and castle king side faster in a sense. They want to hit f7 and they want to make way for castling. Move 4.Nf3 - If white plays this move. Just like the picture below.
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