Putting their pocketbook at a higher priority than THE CONSTITUTION THE REPUBLIC THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE…. Yeah, BS. If he cares for the organization, and our rights, he’ll step down. And I’m not going to cancel my membership. He does make mention of where he gets his firearms but come on, he cant just say S&W, Ruger, Glock or you name it gave me this so he names a store like Buds. That would explain why I hadn’t seen it before. However, the pistol came in 380 APC as opposed to 9mm – this was the Glock 42. I care about preserving and protecting our Second Amendment rights. Regardless of the cause or concern. The type of gun isn’t the problem. I also believe it will only delay the inevitable. TYM’s shrieking and self-aggrandizement is both ignorant and tedious. He shouldn’t have to “admit it”, it’s just the way it is. This clearly means they have already been doing so for some time.”. In every single video, in the part where they plug sponsors including Federal ammo, they plug the NRA. Only one or 2 a year are on the ballot nowadays, used to be namy more. It features a dual recoil spring assembly to make it even more durable and an enlarged magazine catch, which can accommodate either left or right-handed shooters, that makes changing the magazine easy and fast. “Hickok45 will no longer take the NRA’s money”. well, it’s not PC, but they are pussies. I am a paid subscriber to their “America’s First Freedom” (Magazine). Plz Support the above and not the NRA for now! World War II wouldn’t end until 1945, at least for another year. Undoubtedly more of them are taking a wait-and-see approach, choosing to withhold their support unless and until the NRA’s manifold troubles are resolved. I would like to believe that there are people of honor that will do what’s right. in recent years I have not been impressed with the NRA’s backbone, but I don’t want Establishment “conservatives” taking it over either. Wayne sued Ackerman to find out where the money went and that lawsuit will identify the good guys and the bad guys. “It’s one thing if you don’t think open carry is a good idea tactically (I disagree, but I understand the reasoning). And they can go straight to hell !! (Sarcasm is free of charge). Suppressors are Safety Devices! When looking at pistols you’ll likely run across the terms single-action and double-action. Like the old saying goes, “follow the money”. BTW: I give my money to ISRA in Illinois. They are all enemies of individual Liberty. “New Channel Direction” -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scHA929aV_g. Yeah, the “class act” shadow banned me on YT because I pointed out the NRA’s financial corruption. I will continue to watch and view them online. *, “Let’s not forget those water jugs!” *plink! You’ll need to determine what your Glock will be used to to ensure you find the right fit. I don’t care what you think about Trump or anything else for that matter. Hickok45: We’re Not Working With the NRA Any More, suspended the org’s number two man and NRA-ILA head, Chris Cox. I see we have a triggered Jasonflake on our hands. The nationwide breakdown since the 1950’s, which escalated during the 1960’s and 70’s, has undermined freedom, decency, and morality! Yes, he appointed one originalist Justice to the Supreme Court (Gorsuch), and one who might be okay on some 2A stuff but I don’t have high hopes (Kavanaugh). If he doesn’t at least register on your bullshit meter, then yours is malfunctioning. More than 20% of Americans suffer from hearing loss! They will complain about the lefties (and AOC) ruining America while they stare at pictures of guns for hours. I wish I could give you more specifics about how my opinion of Hickock45 formed. If a frog can sing about being green, a possum can be a real thing on the internet. But always be careful to not stab the good guys while taking a step back. Stop crying little boy. The SAF and GOA who I also give money to are great, but they only do litigation, which is only a part of the problem. The guys a marketing machine, I watch his videos for amusement but if the NRA stopped cutting him large checks, that’s his problem. Replace “humanity” with “liberty”, and you’ve got my perspective there. Big surprise, Hickok45 is a millionaire over his videos. Don’t judge somebody because they talk slow, soft and relatively simple. Congress can propose a change but then 3/4 of state legislators must approve the change…….. People.. there is power in numbers. Freedom cannot exist apart from Biblical based morality (Galations 5:13). My point is simply this: I will give my money to organizations that stand for my 2A rights. With that, it took only 30 seconds to find out that your middle name is Adair, your age is 62, you went to Henley High School, and your P.O. Glocks with shorter barrels are easier to use with small concealed carry holsters and are generally better for close-quarters self-defense. Been curious about that…did NRA recently cut-off funding for Hickock45, thus he is no longer taking money from NRA? video: “Overview of America.” Finally, “Grinding America Down” by Curtis Bowers. And there is value, politically, in size. THANK YOU MR WAYNE LA PIERRE. A shorter barrel and lower capacity is important for concealing a firearm on your person, while grip length, accessory option, and more capacity will be desirable for a home defense pistol. Got it (wink). Always avoid listening only to people you like, who reinforce your own presumptions. Prior, they were pro-liberty events that I was proud to promote and stake my reputation on. Takes the proven single-stack M&P pistol and reimagines it as a subcompact. Tell the world you are leaving to pursue your dream of becoming a puppeteer. Sorry about this kick to the curb but listen, when you were jerking off the Uzi, that’s a fuckin bolt over barrel, stop guessing and at least look shit up. A proven performer and comes with 3 magazines. Time to remove the smarmy and move forward with a clear direction about firearms and the 2nd amendment. And we allowed it. I wish they would do the right thing with their platform and support gun rights and call out the commies! Would you rather die on a battlefield or live on a multi million dollar piece of land with all kinds of man toys? I fully support the total repeal of 1926 mail law on shipping hamdguns, the 1934 1938 NFA laws passed by a nazis commie congress and commie nazis president fdr and 1986 crap by brain dead reagan signed the bill due to his wife nancy and fascist nazis commie globalist new world order bush senior. That’s where I’m at. A class act. Good hunting! American Firearms is reader-supported. And support SAF,GOA,FPC that are doing good work taking these illegal gun laws to court and that cost money! It’s probably been uploading to Youtube for the past two months or longer. Can someone please clarify this? Which leads me to believe that everyone complaining is young and dumb. If you support repealing all those laws, stop wasting money at the NRA, which is responsible for about half of them and does absolutely nothing to repeal any of them. I hate to think of anyone bailing out due to unknown issues. For at least two years now, all I’ve received are offers of free flashlights and a big ‘ol honkin’ off road truck filled with 25 guns and $50K to go with it all!!! “Hey, waddya say we hit that steel out there?” *plink! There’s a lot more info I found such as a phone number (ends with the numbers 22), relatives, and more, but I won’t post it here because I think you get the point. Call it for the good of the organization. Just thinking about this in light of the NRATV stuff. Much to my pleasure, he finally realized that the majority of Dems vote for legislators that openly threaten our rights. But as they two told their viewers . Overall, the best Glock handgun for most people is the. I supported the NRA for years – many years somewhat reluctantly – because they weren’t the best pro-2A organization, simply the largest. The NRA training program is excellent. Because the missing 10, or 20 percent are more important than the entire 80%? I’m certain the NRA can find an effective replacement if only they’d look. And more importantly, whatever we may think of bumpfire stocks or drum mags or that idiotic AR musket that Franklin made or whatever else, it doesn’t matter. It features a modular backstrap designed to let you customize the grip, plus a dual recoil spring assembly for added durability. Unless you’re giving a fake name, address, church affiliation, etc. The NRA has done FAR more for me than these two. It’s odd to me that most of the NRA complaints come non NRA members, I think the NRA is doing just fine, still getting my American Rifleman every month and still getting emails and they’re still putting videos out, business as usual. ... Coronavirus Situation: In an abundance of caution and in the best interest of our guests and employees, GLOCK, Inc. will be closed for customer walk-ins to the Technical Services Department. …. It’s just time for us to bail out for a while. ’60 Minutes’ on the Mass Shooter’s ‘Weapon of Choice’ … Again, Wolf: I Finally Freed Myself From the Dangerous Lure of the NRA and America’s Gun Culture, The Violence Policy Center’s Slanted, Racist Take on Black and Brown Gun Owners. I occasionally watch HICKOK45 but find a distinct lack of real forearm knowledge. The Glock 43x just might be the best concealed carry handgun around. They are no better than the NRA. We have gotten soft on criminals a 20 yr sentence shouldn’t be reduced to 1-5 years and we shouldn’t allow the dangerously mentally ill to wander about victimizing our fellow citizens. Besides, donations to the one’s I’ve started to support are tax deductible unlike donations to the NRA. Still a pro-gun control fudd. Other than that I don’t have a strong opinion about him. Ah well, at least there’s some lulz to be had with the whole thing. Nothing wrong from being sponsored by the NRA. Not just organs, but body parts. I belong to another Very Pro 2A Org, that does not change my position. If you want to have one, it shouldn’t be a problem. He has to go, and if the Board won’t do it, replace the Board. Taking expensive flights with related parties that have little to no benefit to the organization, extravagant clothing purchases, “working” vacations charged to the organization, and now expensive lawsuits. It’s a hobby for them. What is wrong with Wayne earning only one million dollars a year instead of five million? Having worked for a national non-profit, it takes quite a lot of kool aide to support any non-profit that maintains its chief exec “needs” $20,000 suits in order to be respected. 12 Posts . I doubt it. If not, there are lots of good state organizations across the country. I’m not having a damn thing to do with them until they become straightforward. I personally will not watch another of their videos. I can see that. Fobus Tactical GLT19 A lot of smaller channels haven’t been so lucky, and even more have been demonetized (allowed no add revenue). At least the Republicans and RINOs pretend to support our rights while campaigning. Firearm manufacturers, he doesn’t make anything directly from his videos because all of the gun channels on YouTube have been demonetized. We don’t eliminate cars to prevent DUI and if you don’t prepare for war you will never know peace. I LIKE having fun on the range. They more closely represent my views. We all different opinions and that is fine. It contributes *zero* to explaining what prompted H45 step away from the NRA. They don’t “shadow” or otherwise ban people just for edgy comments. You have entered an incorrect email address! Typing your keyword such as Hickok45 Glock 43 Chapter 2 Hickok45 Glock 43 Chapter 2 Reviews : You finding where to buy Hickok45 Glock 43 Chapter 2 for cheap best price. I hope the NRA can be that or another time will tell but the NRA needs to prove scrutiny of its own house . That is how we get the shitty politicians we have. Hickok sir DURR DURR DURR”. Though these distinctions may, Glock 17 vs 19: A Comparison The differences between the Glock 17 and Glock 19 are subtle but the two 9mm pistols certainly bring a, What is the best concealed carry handgun? Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. I stopped watching these 2 DOPES when they supported the NRA bump stock ban as a panic move to punish all US citizens for the Las Vegas FF the son is a shockingly poor presenter his videos are intolerable and the old man and all his reviews are carbon copies of each other most are 30 minutes us useless dribble that could be in a 3 minute synopsis- No more nra support – No more hickup45 support there are too many good deserving folks out there to watch and who will never sell our rights down the river. As I think most of us should do so as well. I won’t quit, but I won’t add any extra $ till these perks are eliminated. Next year I hope I’m not the only person standing out there doing this. I don’t remember specifics but it was bad enough for me to push away from the Fudd. Do you have a rational basis for your belief? All the reports I’ve read; & I have read every one I’ve spotted, (as I really care about the rights issue), the same we don’t know what happened. Cell Phone No. Mossberg 500 vs. Remington 870: A Comparison. But they can’t because LaPierre won’t allow it. If Wayne can’t tighten his belt and better manage the collective wallet he needs to resign. The left owns the internet and he knows that he has to appease them if he wants to continue. Native Oregonian since November 1956. Hate to see this. I really wanted to like the guy and somehow give him a pass. The majority of Glock pistols have capacities hovering around 12 cartridges or so, either in the magazine or magazine plus a chambered cartridge. But I don’t remember anything besides the NRA plugs that was particularly fuddish/pro gun control. But some of his observations serve well to knock the box, and sometimes worth the view. Every social site I have “joined” requires using real names, and real profile data. Too bad because the NRA has a lot of good programs. Discussion Starter • #1 • May 5, 2019. We’ve rounded up a few of each type, so you’ll have plenty of options to choose from. It’s one thing if you don’t think open carry is a good idea tactically (I disagree, but I understand the reasoning). I don’t own them, because I don’t think they’re good. On Friday, popular firearms video impresario Hickok45 and his son John posted an announcement on their YouTube channel. Give them props for that. When it comes to a fundamental unalienable right, I become unhappy with people who try to take those opinions and use them to help tyrants infringe upon my rights. All I know is what has been published. We know what most people are going to choose. An 800lb gorilla so fat it can barely move, and that’s only until its feet are taken by the ‘beetus. However, if your Glock has a longer barrel, it’ll be slightly more accurate (since your sights will provide more of a benefit) and more intimidating. I’d say that in this case he’s acting as a very large canary in a coal mine. amendment right and interests. I sure hope the biggest local state/regional orgs are getting their contingency plans in order, since they will need to re-group rapidly to construct a national presence (a good one, this time) once the VA office finally collapses. It really IS a big deal Hickok dissing NRA…. I don’t like the NRA’s stance on freedom when they say some regulation is necessary. They have forgotten that the majority of their members earn significantly less than they do. WAYNE LA PIERRE WAS 110% CORRECT WHEN IN THE 1900’S HE CALLED THE FEDERAL AGENTS BOOT JACK THUGS IN REGARD TO THE 1994 AWB. What I’m saying is I don’t need his advice on the NRA. Who gives Hickok45 firearms? I don’t support the NRA and haven’t for awhile. Many have called for an independent audit of the NRA. I really don’t know what your are talking about or what your point is. I would happily support the NRA again if they would change their stance to a no holds bar freedom can’t be freedom with regulations. I’ve liked him for entertainment, but not so much as a source for true reviews. On Friday, popular firearms video impresario Hickok45 and his son John posted an announcement on their YouTube channel. He has been run out of many states while with the ILA. We want a strong NRA. In that way, it’s safe to say their brand reflects and represents a large portion of America’s mainstream gun owners. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ If you searching for special discount you may need to searching when special time come or holidays. If that’s why you are mad than step up to the plate and take a shot. I’m also in the “I’m not sure what’s happening” camp, however, given my understanding I believe you’re entirely correct; at this point LaPierre inspires no confidence and has become toxic. With over 50 Glock models in the world, looking for the best options for concealed carry might seem overwhelming. Having said that, the NRA has become a mostly political organization, and in politics, size and money are the only things that matter. What are the best 1911 pistols available today? Much as for the USA herself, and in the same timeframe, there was a failed globalist coup at the NRA, which as typical has prodigious political, media, and social-influencing resources at its disposal. sentiments. A “Starbucks” name is just a joking way to say a chosen nickname, such as “Peanut”, “BillyBob”, or such. His response was that he didn’t care and would continue to be a Fudd. So either unhitch yourself from that wagon and stand by the Second Amendment, or just shut up, put your jersey on, and chant we’re number one or some such nonsense, because you’re clearly more interested in politics as a team sport than the actual implications on the ground for things like gun rights. I went to the NRA show in Indy and it wasn’t that different from the SHOT show except it was public. They are just another commercial who don’t stand up for gun rights or talk about politics even while the communist seek to ban the firearms they use in their videos to make millions. To not recognize any of what I said makes you part of the problem. He needs to go just like North and Cox. Do they know something too? after all. I would use him as a model if I took a swing at a web based gun show. I’m a Benefactor member and I’m happy to be a Benefactor member. Links below. And it’s boring as he!! What we need is the NRA gone so that GOA and SAF and all the actual pro-2A organizations don’t have a massive, bloated, beached whale sucking off all their donations. Furthermore if people are mad because of the current shit sandwich that the NRA has made and giving Hickok45 money for promoting the NRA, than stop giving the NRA money. Only took a couple of decades. There are many areas that need further scrutiny and adjustment. It happens the most when mentioning NRA stuff. The Glock 43 in 9mm. Cool. In Virginia, where NRA’s headquarters is, and where our awful governor has launched an all out assault on the Second Amendment, NRA is nowhere to be found. Allegations are Wayne was spending Ackerman (NRA) money for personal stuff. Sounds more to me like you’ve hitched your wagon to a single politician, and are unwilling to criticize that politician regardless of what he does. The NRA has consistently sold us out behind the scenes to manufacture tension and increase their donations. Hopefully, a year from now, we’ll all be looking at this and thinking, ‘Wow, all that was the best thing that could ever have happened to the NRA, and now they are streamlined, and they are getting things done.’ But who knows? Good hunting! But the voices against the 2A are also loud and well-funded. They suck out loud. I guess it might if you have given money to the NRA while Hickok45 was on the dole, but Hickok45 had nothing to do with anyone giving money to the NRA. I think I googled the one you’re referencing, but if so it’s one of the long boring talky-talky vids he does. It features a modular backstrap that will let you customize the grip for your unique hand size. And have you ever worked in your life before? Often longer barrelled Glocks will also have longer/thicker grips, which means higher capacity as well. He’s hardly a “jackass”. Honest people do not hide. The bigger problem is the anti gun people electing enough folks to Congress to repeal the second amendment which is their goal. I’m not saying I don’t believe you, I’d just like to know. ”. I believe this was a business decision. But, whatever series of events occurred, it repulsed me enough to say, “Screw that guy!” Every now and then I would take a peek in the hopes that he would redeem himself. The NRA has had a hand in all gun control. My gut tells me he is wrapping up a disgracefully generous golden parachute and indemnity agreement for himself and the it’ll be adios. The Second Amendment Foundation is an alternative. In the mean time, you might want to develop some capacity to think, Kenny, instead of just mumbling profane crap into your hoodie. While at refreshingly being honest (which is better than most ‘nra/zomg’ fud-shills can say) here is the main punchline to Hickok’s post: That’s completely understandable. The dark historical/political lectures aren’t nearly as good at doing that as taking them out to the range and showing them a good time. It may allow them a little more time, but youtube will shut them down at some point. Everyone has an opion on this announcement, and Yankee Marshal ain’t buying…. Three strikes = your Mom, Wife and Daughter (Dad, Husband and Son) all have to be victimized prior to the system taking a criminal seriously and removing them from circulation. He posted a video yesterday on 6/23 that said we’ll see you at the NRA show in Indy. You may also want a Glock that’s chambered for the caliber of your other handguns – or simply for the ammo you have stockpiled at the moment. If he really cared about the NRA he’d step aside. We need gun rights organizations who fight. Failing that, burn their house of cards down. These distractions and improprieties are causing a significant hemorrhaging of members and are falling directly into the sights of those that desperately want to see them fail so they can complete their anti gun agenda. Nor do I pretend to have all the answers. In fact, their training programs were their original raison d’etre, and continue to be excellent. You asked for it, and we listened–here’s our rundown of the best holsters for your Glock 19–whether you carry concealed or not. They are sent back and sold on Bud’s auction site, with a portion of the proceeds going to a food bank. Now, without further ado, our favorite Glock 19 holsters! So I’m glad that he and his son have stepped back away from the NRA. This sudden retraction from the NRA seems to me like hes losing viewers and is trying to gain his relevance in the community again. Hickok45 is bought and paid for by firearms manufacturers, ammo companies (Federal) and the NRA. 100% Natural Fudd. . Congress cannot repeal any amendment. And it’s hard working with them in an official capacity, where it’s not really our place to get into that or talk about that. Preach elsewhere. Why is this about money he makes? TYM sorta presents the Obama (erudite, articulate, sharp creases leading to nothing good) and a bull-in-the-china-shop (Trump) dilemma. If Ackmac went away then him going away too would make sense. Makes you ask if they know something we don’t. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Comes with chambering for rounds other than 9mm, Ammo may be a little harder to find/buy than a 9mm, Good factory sights that can be swapped out if you like. What are your thoughts on GOA? In general, handguns designed for concealed carry have contrasting characteristics to home defense pistols. I stopped watching Hickok a long time ago due to the NRA plugs. The announcement came one day after the NRA filed suit against former president Oliver North and suspended the org’s number two man and NRA-ILA head, Chris Cox for allegedly participating in the attempted palace coup against EVP Wayne LaPierre. Two philosophies that Hickok45 most likely consider when he started out on YouTube, 1) Where there’s a will there’s a way and 2) you are guaranteed to miss every shot you don’t take. We also like that it’s relatively affordable and comes with three magazines. This is what’s happened under the leadership of Wayne LaPierre. He’s been behind these “red flag” laws. *, “And we didn’t forget you, little piggie!” *plinkety plink!*. My membership card is staying in my wallet. Hickok45—we sidelined you until we know all the facts about why u changed ur attitude when u don’t know what’s going on. He writes about eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'americanfirearms_org-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_9',172,'0','0']));guns and gear. The pistol variant of the AK has been shortened down and modernized, giving us the AK-47 pistol — a fun and formidable weapon for a number of applications. Just wondering if Hickock45 was virtue signaling, when in fact he was dismissed by NRA. Guess I gotta put the beer down, and sidle on over to his website to see the actual video. This clearly means they have already been doing so for some time.”, “I actually backed away from Hickok45’s channel quite a bit because I got tired of hearing support the NRA every video.”, “In every single video, in the part where they plug sponsors including Federal ammo, they plug the NRA. How much was he paid under the table? Use a nickname, and don’t give out personally identifying information on yourself. Hmm. In short, they’re terminating — at least for now — their relationship with the National Rifle Association. I also like the more absolutist advocates, like GOA, SAF, etc. Keep in mind that higher capacities will generally weigh more – which may prevent them from being a top choice for concealed carry. We’ll be fine if not better off without them. They include for instance The John Birch Society in Appleton, Wisconsin at http://www.jbs.org and http://www.thenewamerican.com, respectively. They seem to be the groups moving the ball down the field federally. Do YOU know a six-letter word for the front end of a firearm? Cox does not support the 2nd amendment he supports unconstitutional federal state law and bs regulations. He also started appearing as a guest speaker at some Ohio RKBA/liberty rallies. Duh? “I watched that video, and he did the whole “it’s not because you said we should, it’s because [other reasons]” …”. But that’s not happening, because I really like my milsurps and my lever action and all my other fun guns. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Glock 34 Review Hickok45 And Glock 34 Vs Beretta M9 Best Prices 2021 Ads, Deals and Sales. Say it’s to spend time with family. There are a lot of “pro 2A” personalities out there, but few are true to their brand. Folksy doesn’t cut it for this 65year old. Wayne is a common denominator in much of what we know to be wrong at NRA. As for Hickok45 being on the NRAs payroll you might want to read some of the other comments, there seem to be a bunch of people who think the same thing. . They don’t keep the guns that they receive from Bud’s. Relax. For some of you wanna bes out there, STFU as to his motives because neither you nor I know and we don’t need to know what you think! Yeah, no BS, jerkoff. My comments have been no different than what you’ve seen on this site about the NRA’s corruption. Yes, there are major problem in multiple areas but we should not cut and run. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Chances are if you’re a gun owner looking for a new pistol – either for self-defense or something new for the range – a Glock handgun can do the job. Patented on Valentine’s Day in 1911 by firearms genius John Browning, the M1911 has been in continual. Either you’ve never watched a Hickok45 video, or your skull is so hopelessly numb that the planet would be better off without you. Advertisers worked for Ackerman MCQueen whom the NRA paid $40 million to promote the NRA. No institution on earth is, including the Christian Community/Body of Christ (the churches collectively). The NRA will see any corrections that need to be made for a stronger, healthier and more efficient organization. They are using the courts to challenge the gun grabbers. To Guesty: Starbucks name? When the budget for NRA-ILA is less than what Wayne LaPierre gets as compensation there is a major problem. You also can’t get mad at him for playing the game well and being successful. It’s been a long while so I don’t completely remember. A non-corrosive finish increases the pistol’s durability even further, and you get a 10-round magazine with your purchase. Do you have any examples? Suppressors are Safety Devices! As a result, it’s a particularly good target shooting pistol, especially since it features a special marksman barrel that includes enhanced polygon rifling and an improved barrel crown. If they aren’t your cup of tea, don’t join. “Hickok45 will no longer take the NRA’s money”. My respect for his opinion continues to grow.”. We don’t need sell outs throwing us under the bus for a new suit and a big check. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2E3Qw_zCvSc, http://www.keepandbeararms.com/information/XcIBViewItem.asp?ID=3247, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scHA929aV_g. I couldn’t get his Fudd-ness out of my head after that point and began avoiding his videos. And since these two pansies want to make grandiose announcements like this, they should now stop hiding behind their anonymity by posting under their real names. Whoopie said, “But they can’t because LaPierre won’t allow it. Serious question; the only bump-shooting related videos I recall are the ones where John showed how to do it. I don’t agree with TYM on everything, and his videos are not “classy”.
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