Established by William Sylvis. Covers the "forgettable presidents," bossism and political machines, and the Populist movement. After the Civil War former landowners "rented" plots of land to blacks and poor whites in such a way that the renters were always in debt and therefore tied to the land. Investment banker who channeled European capital into America and grew into a financial power; he also controlled one-sixth of the nation's railway system, and consolidated the steel industry with the United States Steel Corporation, the first billion-dollar corporation. The time of economic growth, the second industrial revolution, urbanization, immigration, and political/economic corruption. These men became some of the most powerful men in the country as they were able to create historical fortunes by bringing all these innovations to the masses at affordable prices. After the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad in 1869, the demand for the production of railways and train cars and eventually, the transportation of goods and people, became overwhelming. John D. Rockefeller. The Gilded Age was an era of rapid economic growth, especially in the Northern United States and the Western United States. It provided skilled laborers with a union that was unified, large, and strong. Funded many libraries. Traveled all over the country and world promoting the cause. Significance: Standard Oil Co. controlled 90% of US pipelines and refineries, donations established colleges. Some images used in this set are licensed under the Creative Commons through to see the original works with their full license. Supreme Court severely limited the right of states to regulate businesses (especially the railroads) that dealt with interstate commerce. The thinking of Jane Addams, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and other secular reformers was influenced by the movement as well. Cities sprang to life with electricity powered street lamps and business signs that fostered the growth of entertainment and leisure activities. Businesses owner fought against restrictions of immigration because they wanted the cheap labor. Chapter 17 Terms Key Terms Details Significance 1. reasons why the South was slow to industrialize (4) natural resources, rivers, textiles. He helped found the Niagara Movement in 1905 to fight for equal rights. Factories consolidated production and machinery (as well as methodology) meant that workers could be more productive. The region became a leader in the textile industry, but overall the effort failed, and the South remained mostly poor and unindustrialized. The passage of the Sherman Antitrust Act in 1890 and later the Clayton Antitrust Act in 1914 were the government’s attempt to regulate competition amongst private enterprises. His is a rags-to-riches story as he made a fortune in business and sold his holdings in 1901 for $447 million. AP® UNITED STATES HISTORY 2012 SCORING GUIDELINES Question 1 — Document-Based Question In the post–Civil War United States, corporations grew significantly in number, size, and influence. Gilded Age – Organized Labor Chart Event Description Significance / Outcome Railroad Strike of 1877 During an economic depression, railroad companies cut wages, which caused an 11-state strike began on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Due to the institution and expansion of the slave system, rice and indigo became profitable for planters as well, and by the turn of the century they were main crops in the south eventually giving way to cotton in the early 1800’s in what would ultimately become King Cotton. By 1920 and for the first time in American history, more people in the country lived in industrialized urban areas instead of agricultural rural areas. These new public transportation systems utilized new innovations in electricity and resulted in the development of an electric subway systems, streetcars, and elevated trains in order to move people around the city. Communication capabilities beyond the Pony Express became a necessity as businesses and people spread across the country. He spent the rest of his life giving away $350 million to worthy cultural and educational causes. The Gilded Age is a period of American history between 1870 and 1900. Formed General Electric. Analyze the impact of big business on the economy and politics and the responses of Americans to these changes. Companies used militia were used to break up strikes and protests. The Gilded Age brought immense economic and technological advances and thrust the United States to the forefront of economic productivity in the world. Credit Mobilier scandal A company was formed by owners of the Union Pacific Railroad for getting government contracts to build the railroad at highly inflated prices. The Gilded Age. Khan Academy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Disappeared in the 1890s. Earned a Ph.D. from Harvard. Prominent black American, born into slavery, who believed that racism would end once blacks acquired useful labor skills and proved their economic value to society, was head of the Tuskegee Institute in 1881. Selling the Gibson look with purchasable sewing patterns made it possible to emulate. One way we can do this is to track over time what changed and what stayed the same from the beginning of the Gilded Age to its end. First Federal statute to limit cartels and monopolies, and today still forms the basis for most antitrust litigation by the federal government. As economic control and political power became consolidated amongst an elite few, the federal government tried to reign power back to the government through federal legislation. The public outrage forced the government to pass legislation to protect public interests. These men, along with many others became some of the most powerful men in the country as they were able to create historical fortunes by bringing all these innovations to the masses at affordable prices. By this, he meant that this period was glittering on the surface but corrupt underneath ("Learn About the Gilded Age"). Factories themselves could be located virtually anywhere thanks to the endless possibilities provided by the harnessing of electricity. However, the Sherman Antitrust Act was eventually used to break up the powerful Standard Oil monopoly in 1911. As economic control and political power became consolidated amongst an elite few, the federal government tried to reign power back to the government through federal legislation. New innovations in electricity, mechanization, and communication gave rise to … 1 Summary 2 Exact Definition 3 Importance 4 Helpful Links An agroeconomic strategy where land is given in return for a share of the crop produced. Significance of railroads- nations first business, increased other developments and promoted other industries, times zones were – Thomas Edison. Believed that blacks should accept segregation and better themselves through education and job skills before trying to gain other rights. The powerful individuals that led and created these monopolies became known as robber barons. Immigrants from Asia passed through Angel Island near San Francisco before pursuing their own dreams in America. Ruby Ross changed description of John D. Rockefeller. Immigration and migration in the Gilded Age Our mission is to provide a free, world-class education to anyone, anywhere. Newspaper journalists who called for social changes were known as muckrakers and advocated for social improvements throughout the city. Enacted in part to protect jobs for whites because Chinese were willing to work for much lower wages. He also helped found the NAACP. Gave rise to human smuggling. The age between the Civil War and WWI when the American economy grew rapidly and individuals were able to use monopolies to amass great wealth. They worked together, lectured, and wrote on the cause of women's rights and suffrage. As cities grew due to industrialization, millions of immigrants flooded the cities in the search of jobs and a better way of life. Gilded Age Politics As America modernized, politics played an increasingly important role in the lives of the common men. Worked to replace wage system with with cooperative system where employees could control part of the company. Gilded Age corruption, "Boss" Tweed ran New York City Democratic party and got $200 million from bribery, graft, and vote-buying. New inventions and technological advances improved the quality of life during the Gilded Age and while all were important in one aspect or another, it was the ability to harness electricity that had one of the most significant effects. Along the East coast immigrants from Europe came through Ellis Island before they moved to the already congested areas of New York, Boston, and Philadelphia. On the day of the general strike, labor leaders met in Haymarket Square to protest the treatment of striker by Chicago police. They rose massively during 1854, fueled by the fears that the country was being overwhelmed by German and Irish immigrants. Topics: Gilded Age Politics: 1868-1890 President Grant. Gilded Age The time after the Civil war and reconstruction that leads up to the 20th century This led to the American economy becoming stronger and more diversified it also led to monopolies and large corporations. However, this dramatic move to the cities came with its own set of challenges for the political machines and city governments, especially in the poor areas of the cities that became identified as the slums. The standard of living in America was leaping upward. Political machines like Tammany Hall took advantage of the needs of these immigrants to consolidate political power and benefit financially from their positions, using a process known as graft. Several U.S. congressmen were implicated in the scandal after the company bribed them to keep quiet about the corruption. The lack of clean water was a primary cause for the spread of diseases such as cholera and typhoid that spread throughout the poorer neighborhoods. Supported by labor unions. Social reform efforts ushered in a new era of progressive thought and action that would become a consistent part of the national discussion throughout the 20thcentury. Evaluate the extent to which the Gilded Age reformers were successful. No one knew who threw the bomb, but eight anarchists were charged with murder because their words had incited the throwing of the bomb. The age between the Civil War and WWI when the American economy grew rapidly and individuals were able to use monopolies to amass great wealth. Andrew Carnegie elaborated on this in his book The Gospel of Wealth, in which he wrote that the wealthy should consider all revenues in excess of their own needs as "trust funds" to be used for the good of the community. Cities grew around railroad hubs. Staffed mostly by college-educated women. They wanted workers to own the means of production; a union for skilled laborers that fought for worker rights in a non-violent way. Helped replenish the U.S. gold supply in 1895 and prevented a panic. Name:_____ Class Period:____ Due Date:___/____/____ Period 6 Term Review: The Gilded Age, 1865-1898 Purpose: This term review is not only an opportunity to review key concepts and themes, but it is also an exercise in historical analysis.This activity, if completed in its entirety BOP (Beginning of Period) by the unit test date, is worth 10 bonus points on the multiple choice test. Instrumental in obtaining passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920. UNITED STATES HISTORY TERMS LISTS UNIT 9 The Gilded Age UNIT 8.1 The Conquest of the West Cowboys and Indians The Transcontinental Railroads (408-423) (442-446) Great Plains Plains Tribes (Sioux, Cheyenne, Crow) Sitting Bull Crazy Horse [410-412] George Armstrong Custer Seventh Cavalry … Actions. Congress proposed literacy tests to keep non-English speakers out Cleavland vetoed it. These regulations initially did little to curb the power of these massive monopolies as the businessmen found loopholes to avoid it. There’s a way to do it better – find it. United States author of inspirational adventure stories for boys. By this, he meant that the period was glittering on the surface but corrupt underneath. – Jacob Riis. Monopolies are created by trusts (a form of business consolidation in which several corporations combine their stock and allow a board of trustees to operate as a giant enterprise.) Thomas Edison Invents Electric Light 1879, American inventor, scientist and businessman who developed many devices that greatly influenced life around the world, including the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and a long-lasting, practical electric light bulb. new aspects of railroads during the Gilded Age (4) lack of capital, lack of education, northern control, segregation. As American wages grew much higher than those in Europe, especially for skilled workers, the period saw an influx of millions of European immigrants. Tens of thousands of immigrants from Ireland and China worked as laborers. While this concentration of power enabled incredible economies of scale for, these robber barons controlled vast sectors of the American economy and control the lives of millions of laborers who became dependent on the jobs and wages that the industries provided. Telephone improved business practices because people could immediately find get info on materials, transportation, and prices to broker the best deal. 1890s as pictured by C. D. Gibson. Third, a clear shift from a system of indentured servants (who were expensive and became resentful) to African slave labor (cheaper and controllable) in the South began shortly after Bacon’s Rebellion. The rise of unions and increased frequency of strikes became central to the combative relationship between worker and employer. The government saw this as part of Manifest Destiny and pushed to connect Pacific coast to the east. Pioneers in the Women's Suffrage Movement in the early 1900s. Congress's first attempt to halt monopolies was in 1890 with the passage of the Sherman Antitrust Act. President Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909) was an early reform minded president advocating for preservation of natural resources as well as challenging political machines and reforming social services. Carnegie, as well as many of the other robber barons, gave extensively as philanthropists. Settlement Houses were designed to help new immigrants adopt the ways of their new country. AP.USH: KC‑6.3.I.A (KC), MIG (Theme), Unit 6: Learning Objective G. The belief that white, wealthy, Anglo-Saxon Americans were biologically superior to other groups fueled many social and political trends of the Gilded Age… By the time of his death in 1877, his companies controlled 4,500 miles of track and linked New York City to the Great Lake Region. Bloody shirt, in U.S. history, the post-Civil War political strategy of appealing to voters by recalling the passions and hardships of the recent war. A popular writer of the Post-Civil War time period. Alexander Graham Bell Invents Telephone 1876. His wealth and influence gave him great power in the country. Loosely organized and originally a secret organization. 2. Monopolists took advantage of the lack of regulations within the economy to build financial empires that dominated the economic and political realm for nearly a half century. Political machines like Tammany Hall took advantage of the needs of these immigrants to consolidate political power and benefit financially from their positions. Union Pacific officials formed the dummy Crédit Mobilier construction company and hired themselves as contractors for huge profits. Association of skilled artisans (didn't want to organize unskilled laborers also wanted to keep women out of the workforce because they brought wages down and "belonged in the home"), led by Samuel Gompers that focused on wages and job security issues. Named after the Mark Twain book with "gilded" meaning having a thin veneer of gold, but no gold on the inside. Some Americans feared that the New Immigrants would not assimilate to life in their new land. Introduced to congress by Anthony Comstock, the founder of the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice. Even building the railroads stimulating the economy because of the need for workers and raw materials. A suffragette who was president of the National Women's Suffrage Association, and founder of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance. An American political group around the 1840s and 1850s that came after the Whig party. It was their duty to use their riches to advance social progress. Fueled by the concepts outlined in the Gospel of Wealth, these industrialists believed in a survival of the fittest approach to economics that frequently led to confrontation with workers who wanted higher wages, safer working conditions, and greater worker protections. The occasion was marked by a grand celebration where a gold spike was used to connect the two lines. The emerging influence of the Progressive Movement was felt as lobbyists pushed for federal legislation resulting in the 1906 passage of the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act. The Bessemer process, named for Henry Bessemer, revolutionized how steel was produced. But, as historians, how can we tell just how much change really occurred from 1865 to 1898? Was the most powerful spokesman for censorship. Worked more with the Clayton Antitrust Act with came in 1914. The ability to talk directly to employees allowed businesses to expand without fear of being out of touch. Gilded age definition, the period in the U.S. c1870–98, characterized by a greatly expanding economy and the emergence of plutocratic influences in government and society. Gompers accepted capitalism, but wanted a larger share for workers. Question 2. See more. Prompted by the fear of vast new numbers of immigrants and culturally distinctive communities giving rise to a nativism movement. The Gilded Age is well known for its political scandals and extravagant displays of wealth. Overview of the Gilded Age Digital History ID 2916. Included the National Origins Act ("Quota Act"; set quotes for the different immigrant countries; mostly Scottish and English were allowed but few Jews and Catholics). Such paintings emphasize and reinforce these essays age gilded apush class distinctions. The New Immigrants of the 1880s came from southern and eastern Europe. Created a railroad empire worth millions by crushing competitors and ignoring protests from the public. Outlawed Chinese immigration for 10 years and explicitly denied naturalization rights to Chinese in the U.S. (not allowed to become U.S. citizens) Signed into law by Chester B. Arthur. In the face of the challenges of urbanization, newspapers and reformers began to call for change. prohibited rebates and pools, required railroads to publish rates, forbade discrimination against shippers, and outlawed charging more for short haul than for a long one over the same line, Reasons for post-war industrial expansion. Most Americans wanted political and social reforms during the Gilded Age, but reform efforts had minimal impact because the reformers could not agree on what types of reforms were needed or how Urban areas grew at a nearly unsustainable rate as poor workers suffered through a lack of housing and sanitation in the under equipped cities. The Gilded Age created record economic growth and made the United States the most dominant industrial power in the world. His method of philanthropy targeted giving; he gave to education, medicine, and scientific research. APUSH - Long Essay Question LEQ 05.04 Question 1. John D. Rockefeller forms Standard Oil 1970. The attempt to break the South of its reliance on slavery an industrialize the region. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Led the women of Hull House into a successful lobby in 1893 for an Illinois anti-sweatshop law that protected women workers and prohibited child labor. Rapid urbanization exposed the shortcomings of city life that immigrants faced in the overcrowded and overwhelmed cities. So, at a glance, the Gilded Age seems like a time of radical change for the country. Magazine image of the new ideal in women. The lack of clean water was a primary cause for the spread of diseases such as cholera and typhoid that spread throughout the poorer neighborhoods. Marked by political corruption and shady business deals. This meant only the federal government had a power that had been granted to the states. Worked with the courts, had a legal defense fund, peaceful marches, and political work. Used at first against unions (especially to break the Pullman Strike), but Teddy Roosevelt later used it extensively as a trust buster to go after corporations. The AFL (American Federation of Labor) called for a general strike if demands for an eight-hour workday were not met. The Gilded Age was a time of unprecedented growth of industry and technology in the United States following the Civil War and lasting until the beginning of the 20thCentury. They came from countries with little history of democratic government, where people had grown accustomed to harsh living conditions. it included the era of forgotten presidents (hayes, garfield, arthur, and … Trusts would eventually form monopolies over key segments of the American economy. A leader in women's activism and social reform. Susan B. Anthony had been an active abolitionist as well. Including a drag coefficient for a proceduralist approach dismisses the historians of art would include skill gaps and deficiencies, n. Significance understanding what potential energy in transit. Others, like Cornelius Vanderbilt, oversaw the construction of thousands of miles of railroad lines and connected the country like never before and facilitating it all was J.P. Morgan who ran the nation’s banks and economic markets. Passed nearly unanimously. Infiltrating the meat packing industry, Upton Sinclair exposed the unsanitary conditions in which some of the nation’s food supply was being made and packaged in his book titled, The Jungle. A Puritan New Englander who wrote more than a hundred volumes of juvenile fiction during his career; the famous "rags to riches" theme. He believed that African Americans should strive for full rights immediately. A lifelong battler for the welfare of women, children, blacks, and consumers. John D. Rockefeller and his corporation Standard Oil came to dominate the oil and gas industry that fed the machines of the Industrial Revolution along with Andrew Carnegie who created the largest steel producing company in the world.
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