I say this because Telemachus shows immense Xenia towards the Suitors and Athena; he’s therefore presented as a great main character for the first 4 books. What is a quote to support the third part of Xenia? The topic of xenia in Homer’s Odyssey is one of the main topics developed and emphasized consistently through the book, but it also pertains to our world and country today. Another excellent example of bad xenia is the cyclops Polyphemus. Another inhospitable host is the Laestrygonian people, who bombard Odysseus' ships with boulders and sink all but one--and evidently get away with it. Whilst the suitors are shown as not so good people, since their Xenia presented as a burden to the host. Towards the beginning of book 3, Nestor presents good Xenia towards Telemachus and company. The ancient cultural value of Xenia is a religious and social accept that has to do with the relationship between guest and hosts. Telemachus, the focus of the first four books of The Odyssey, provides an early example of good hospitality as both a host and a guest. The role of the host was to take in the stranger, provide him with shelter, food, drink and … The group of 108 men who slouch around Penelope show poor xenia and are … Xenia plays a major role throughout Odysseus and his men's voyage. He was always loyal to Odysseus, and he even talked about he missed his former master. An example of poor Xenia in the Odyssey is Penelope’s Suitors. Within the first 4 books of ‘The Odyssey’, we see Xenia as a theme and a generally contextual part of life. There is also bad Xenia exhibited through the Suitors and a servant. And for all of this time, splendid Telemachus has had to cater to their needs (including the fact they’re trying to get off with his mum…). The first four books of The Odyssey are known to scholars as the "Telemacheia"; they deal with the young prince's quest for information about his father as well as his own journey toward manhood. A somewhat less obvious example is Polyphemus's treatment of Odysseus and the crew members whom he finds in his cave when he comes home. This is because the casus belli of the Trojan war, Paris’ abduction of Helen, was a most serious breach of xenia etiquette. Why is America full of douche bags? Odysseus had been shipwrecked and took refuge under a bush for the night. Look around your home or neighbourhood. Concepts have been made apparent as individuals in society never know if… Even the Gods are shown to respect Xenia rules, for example in Book 5 when Calypso gives hospitality to Hermes. It deals with concepts of hospitality in The Odyssey. In Homeric poem “The Odyssey,” we are treated to an account of the story of Odysseus as he tries to make his way back to Ithaca after successfully aiding the Greeks in conquering the city of Troy. Give at least two examples. Which of the following is an example of Xenia in the Odyssey? Book 4 shows some more sense of bad Xenia. He pays for his actions by losing his eye, at least temporarily. What is the definition of beliverence other than being the inverse of deliverance? Book 1 Book 2 Book 3 Book 4 Book 5 Book 6 Book 7 Book 8 Book 9 Book 10 Book 11 Book 12 Book 13 Book 14 Book 15 Book 16 Book 17 Book 18 Book 19 Book 20 Book 21 Book 22 Book 23 Book 24 Themes All Themes Fate, the Gods, and Free Will Piety, Customs, and Justice Cunning, Disguise, and Self-Restraint Memory and Grief Glory and Honor Hermes and Calypso (Book 5) Phaeacians and Odysseus (Book 7) Term. In Homer’s epic poem The Odyssey, there are several examples of xenia shown to travelers by civilized societies. The most outstanding example is the suitors, who have taken over Odysseus' palace uninvited. Xenia was actually the root cause of all the troubling situations Odysseus found himself in throughout The Odyssey. Many cities of men he saw and learned their minds, many pains he suffered, heartsick on the open sea, fighting to save his life and bring his comrades home. The first 4 books of The Odyssey give lots of examples of positive and negative xenia. An A/B grade response. All throughout The Odyssey there are scenes of good and bad xenia, or hospitality. The Suitors have been living among Telemachus and Penelope for around 7 years. In fact, it seems that most of the examples of bad xenia in the Odyssey involve the guests rather than the hosts. Nestor’s son and Telemachus have arrived at ‘good lord Eteoneus’ ‘ court. It is a Greek concept of hospitality to guests entering their households. Xenia, usually translated as “guest-friendship” is an important part of the mores of the ancient Greeks during the Bronze Age; a person is required to welcome travelers into his home as guests and the expectation is that the host provides a warm place to sleep, good food, a bath, wine and entertainment. The Odyssey by Homer may be viewed as a study in the laws of hospitality and is full of examples of both good and bad xenia, where good xenia is rewarded and bad xenia is punished. But they arrive at a ‘standstill’ and yet to be allowed in. The suitors steal and plunder Odysseus' hall, feast on his food, take his maids to bed and all the while, each trying to take Penelope's hand in marriage. Its a network security problem.solve this as soon as possible.. Or at least, good and bad in the Gods eye’s. My reasoning for this theory is as follows: these three elements of xenia are the causes of the most concern in examples of failed, unequal or unusual relationships of xenia in the Odyssey. Eumaeus let Odysseus stay in his hut and he gives him food and shelter. And does give Menelaus a good reason to tell him off and present us with Menelaus’ excellent views of Xenia. When Telemakhos meets with Nestor and Menelaos, both of the men show a great amount of hospitality to Telemakhos and his men. Consequences of disrespecting xenia within the Odyssey are shown first when Odysseus encounters Polyphemus and upon his return home when he confronts Penelope’s suitors. One example of xenia is in book six. (Hospitality is, after all, a two-way street.) ... Book 5: Term. In the epic,“The Odyssey ” by Homer, there are multiple examples of good and bad xenia. Definition "I have your escort and I have your gifts" Odysseus to Phaeacians (Book 13) Term. It’s not just Mentes though that the son of Odysseus has to prove hospitality too. and how are the people in the wrong punished? What kind of non-profit would you create if you were given $20 million? That may be why he’s only a servant? While the tale has various mythical and magical motifs in the form of Gods, Goddesses, nymphs, witches, and magic; one of the most interesting and a rather unusual aspect of the story was the astounding level of generosity shown to Odysseus through various parts of the story (G… Analysis: Books 3–4. In "The Odyssey", xenia is an important factor. Both the guess and the host have specific roles. ...Throughout the Odyssey there is an ongoing theme of hospitality or xenia that shows cultural values. In the latter sense, this section of the epic is very much a coming-of-age story. We see hospitality presented among Telemachus, Nestor and Menelaus. And as it’s the first thing he does, it does show an importance of being a good personality when welcoming people. Here in our house you’ll find a royal welcome.” Of course this a general thing we all do with a guest, to welcome them, but take note that Telemachus refers to Mentes as a “stranger”. Within the first 4 books of 'The Odyssey', we see Xenia as a theme and a generally contextual part of life. Although they, too, are uninvited, they seem to have done no harm, so that Polyphemus is in the wrong when he imprisons them and eats a few. They continue to eat Penelope and Telemachus out of house and home. After the lark with the servant: he does tell the servant to “bring them in, strangers, to share our flowing feast.” which we have seen previously with Telemachus and Nestor (which is good Xenia). We see hospitality presented among Telemachus, Nestor and Menelaus. Your email address will not be published. Definition. Finally, Odysseus' remaining men alsop prove to be bad guests when, becalmed on the island of the Sun God, they kill and eat some of the sacred cattle. Required fields are marked *. In Ancient Greece, know matter who the guest (even strangers) you’d have to treat them with care and respect, plus also invite them into the home. How many potato I need for mash for 71 children? d. Athena travels …  If we also analyse the description given of them entering, we also realise they don’t treat people nicely. The Suitors often prove a burden, to the host Telemachus, For instance the fact they’ve been there for 7 years and “plague” his mother. In trying to return home, Odysseus and his shipmates had numerous adventures, but now Odysseus has been left alone on the island of Ogygia for the last eight years, captive of the beautiful goddess Calypso. The Odyssey What are examples of Xenia, Nostos, Kleos and Hubris in book 12 the odyssey ? Xenia is a strong theme that runs through the Odyssey as a whole. How is Xenia shown in the first 4 books of ‘The Odyssey’. Your email address will not be published. (Hospitality is, after all, a two-way street.)  The Suitors have also been helping themselves to Telemachus’ foods and wines, as stated: ‘piles of bread in bowls beside them’ and ‘pages filled the mixing-bowls to the brim with wine’. "The Odyssey" Rough Draft Xenia is the word for hospitality. What are examples of Good Xenia in the Odyssey? Since their behavior is not merely a violation of the host-guest relationship but an attempt to take over the kingdom, it constitutes treason, at least by later standards. There is also bad Xenia exhibited through the Suitors and a servant. In the face of omnipresent hate and xenophobia, there’s a lot to be learned about hospitality from ancient literature. The most outstanding example is the suitors, who have taken over Odysseus' palace uninvited. The first example of xenia is when Telemachus crosses the sea in an attempt to find more information about his father. ‘Heralds poured water over their hands for rinsing’ is one of many examples in the book, of Telemachus’ people serving the Suitors. But we could go to lengths and say Xenia is almost shown as a literacy device to separate who are good and bad characters. We are told that Poseidon, god of the sea, will make Odysseus' journey home to Ithaca even more diffic… Avoid slang expressions – ‘get off with his mum’ isn’t the best way of saying ‘ marry his mother’. A solid essay that covers the key points in a fair bit of detail. Elevated Language and Meter. ‘Relieving her at once of her long bronze spear’, this is a clear sign of Telemachus offering Athena a good stay. Still have questions? It is shown mostly as good and bad Xenia. Xenia shows respect. We do find out the reason why they have not been let in: “Tell me, should we unhitch their team for them or send them to someone free to host them well?”, the fact that this servant is questioning whether to let them in or not, is in fact rude in Greek society. But, we also do see an act of bad Xenia when we examine the Suitors. Polyphemus is the obvious example - he ended up blinded. Get your answers by asking now. There is acute, right, obtuse and the reflex angle.? Hi dear This is a basic gesture, but taking someones weapon then: was still a good sign of hospitality within the home (in this case Telemachus). After doing so, he welcomes her to the home: “Greetings, stranger! Good Xenia: Odysseus and Nausikaa One of the best examples of good xenia in The Odyssey is that of Nausikaa (Homer 104 – 108), a princess on the island of the Phaiakians. To conclude, good Xenia is shown in the first four books of The Odyssey by Nestor, Telemachus and Menelaus, while bad Xenia is exhibited by the Suitors and Eteoneus. And this suggests bad Xenia since they have not been welcomed in with open arms. When Odysseus returns, he knows all about the suitors, and schematically kills all of them with no mercy. This time from a servant of Menelaus. Xenia is displayed in many instances throughout the novel, and the importance of xenia is emphasized by the actions of it, but also the violation of it. If either the host or the guest was to break any rule set by Xenia, there would be severe penalties dealt by Zeus and also by society (Wikipedia). a. the suitors are given food from Odysseus palace b. Odysseus makes sure to give libations and proper sacrifice to the gods c. the suitors eat Odysseus' food without paying for it. Examples Of Loyalty In The Odyssey Otherwise, when Antinoos threw the stool at Odysseus, the others wouldn’t worry that Zeus could be in the guise of the beggar. Finally for the servant, his Xenia is sort of not knowledge to him. Find 2 or 3 examples of each kind of angle. They are rude to not only to each other but to Telemachus and the guests, such as disguised Athena and Odysseus. Further analysis, with the description of the ‘golden cup’, does suggest that Nestor is giving his guests the very best! Can someone please help me understand? Zeus would severely punish those who break the fine rules of xenia and hospitality. Which of course is a pretty bad act towards the beliefs of Xenia. So even here; Telemachus is showing more signs of good Xenia, since of course Mentes is a stranger to him. First of all, in 'The Odyssey', we perceive Telemachus welcoming Mentes (Athena). First of all, in ‘The Odyssey’, we perceive Telemachus welcoming Mentes (Athena). Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. The first sign of xenia shown in Book 1 is provided by Odysseus’ son Telamachus when he first sees Athena disguised as Mentes, ‘straight to the porch he went, mortified that a guest might still be standing at the doors.’ When doing this, he does reference “Just think of all the hospitality we enjoyed” from on the way back, from Troy. There are about 200 suitors living at Telemakhos', Queen Penelope's, and Odysseus' palace. Xenia in the Odyssey There are many themes in the book The Odyssey by Homer. In The Odyssey, Homer employs most of the literary and poetic devices associated with epics: catalogs, digressions, long … This further proves the Xenia in ancient Greece and how it is shown in the book. ‘As soon as they saw the strangers, all came crowding down, waving them on in welcome, urging them to sit.’ This quote does point out that Nestor is eager to show his Xenia. Again, this rejoices the Suitor’s being way to comfortable and taking advantage of being in Odysseus’ vicinity. An example of bad xenia occurs when Homer describes the suitors. Much like in Book 3, both the guest and host are exhibiting good Xenia, in that Menelaus is liberal with his offerings and that Telemachus is sure not to exploit his hospitality. The setting broadens in Books 3 and 4 as Telemachus sets out on his own brief odyssey around southern Greece to learn of his father’s fate. From all of these examples, we can tell that Xenia is shown throughtout the first 4 books, we could even go to say it’s a theme. ‘He gave them a share of innards, poured some wine in a golden cup’, the offering of food and wine is a good act of Xenia. Menelaus goes onto tell the servant off. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. Through books 1-4, many characters demonstrate methods of Xenia which allow us to see its importance in society. The Odyssey by Homer may be viewed as a study in the laws of hospitality and is full of examples of both good and bad xenia, where good xenia is rewarded and bad xenia is punished. In any case, they all die for it. It can be seen that hospitality is extremely important in the Greek culture, both how someone treats their guests and how the guests treat the host. After this Telemachus, being the great host he is, then invites Mentes to “Have supper”, which of course is another excellent mark of Xenia. This of course anger Menelaus, ‘The red-haired king took great offense at that’: this does imply that Menelaus does want to show great Xenia towards his guests. Some positive examples of respecting xenia include Telemachos’s stay in Sparta and Odysseus’s stay with Nausicaä. Composed around 700 bc, The Odyssey is one of the earliest epics still in existence and, in many ways, sets the pattern for the genre, neatly fitting the definition of a primary epic (that is, one that grows out of oral tradition). Eumaeus followed the rules of Xenia very well. Odysseus had become shipwrecked and sought shelter in a bush. Emily Wilson, in the introduction to her translation writes, “Xenia … Another act of Xenia Nestor shows is: giving them food and drink. The Odyssey can be thought of as a manual for a host of how to (and how not to) show hospitality to a guest and vice versa. How does the global order help the global poor? So overall Xenia is shown as what people believe in and are presented as either people respecting and/or disrespecting Xenia. Examples of Xenia in Homer’s Odyssey – Medieval Meanderings 'Relieving her… We pick up ten years after the fall of Troy in the Trojan War (the subject of The Iliad). Book I Athena Inspires the Prince Sing to me of the man, Muse, the man of twists and turns … driven time and again off course, once he had plundered the hallowed heights of Troy. In book six, Odysseus washes up on a shore and Nausikaa helps him by giving him food, clothing, and by sending him with her father who also helps him: “Stranger, there is no quirk or evil in you that I can see… ‘Phemius, the minstrel whom they had forced into their service’, this extract shows that they have not typically been treating the staff well. Fittingly, this expansion in setting prompts an expansion in the story itself, as each of Telemachus’s hosts adds his own story to the Odyssey. Consequences of disrespecting xenia within the Odyssey are shown first when Odysseus encounters Polyphemus and upon his return home when he confronts Penelope’s suitors. Another prominent example of xenia is seen in book 6 when Odysseus comes upon Nausicaä. Ted Cruz calls Mexico trip amid crisis 'a mistake', How 'The Simpsons' foresaw Ted Cruz flying to Mexico, Report: Olympic coach accused of biting, more, Ella Emhoff makes surprise appearance at NYFW, Gates objects to permanent Facebook ban for Trump, Pair 'dressed up as grannies' to try and get COVID vaccine, Instructor featured on 'Dance Moms' accused of sex abuse, South Carolina governor signs strict abortion ban, California, Maryland approve new stimulus check plan, Apple's tiny desktop reaches lowest price ever, Dolly Parton tells lawmakers to drop statue plan. The narrator calls upon the Muse to help him tell the story of Odysseus. As a result, once they're able to set sail from the island, everyone but Odysseus is drowned. Xenia, or hospitality is one of the largest, most prominent themes throughout the book. Evidence for this can also be found in the first book. Again, we can also take note that Telemachus here is a stranger; and that Nestor is welcoming him there as if he knew them. Also Nestor does offer Telemachus a seat, ‘urging them to sit.’ which implies they want to make Telemachus as comfortable as possible.
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