On receipt of the scheme, he had made money, the clerk issued a over $40,000, and he had $2 refund. His request was granted, and his research on dead bodies has never stopped. 2. Beginning with the standard, simulate running the DNA fragments through the gel by separating each of the fragments of DNA by size. A Study of Fibers and Textiles ©ImageState/Jupiter Images Weaving originated with basket making. Ballistics 513 Glossary ©Bill Pugliano/Getty Images Investigators reconstruct the crime. Forensic Sciences eCollection for more informaBut they did not seal off the rest of the house, tion on this case. These technicians may specialize in a particular field of forensics, found on the victim or suspect. In 1986, Stella Nickell, a Seattle woman, laced some Excedrin with cyanide and killed her husband for his life insurance. All evidence is photographed with a measuring device to show the appropriate scale for reference. Slightly blow up a large balloon or half inflate a large balloon. The jury chose guilty. Or are there fibers from numerous sources from carpets and clothes and bedding? to analyze the ransom notes and the six suspect notes. Wind-blown sand becomes rounded more quickly because the grains strike each other directly without a water buffer. 70 The Study of Hair 1. This requires energy, and for cells to get energy, they need oxygen. Twill weaves are used in rugged clothing such as jeans. Which soil type would be best for gardening? Clyde has studied thousands of skeletons all over the world, Clyde Snow revealing their secrets. As it travels, some of the blood adheres to the new surface. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 RECORDING TREAD IMPRESSIONS IDENTIFYING A VEHICLE 11 Tire impressions can identify the make and model of vehicle that was driven at a crime scene. Door glass will vary in thickness from 3/16 inch to ¼ inch thickness and can also be reinforced with wire threads running through it. Electrostatic lifting uses a charge to hold the dust particles in place. Wind speed and direction are also factors affecting adjustments the shooter must make to hit the target. DNA analysis of the hair follicle provides an identification with a high degree of confidence, whereas analysis of the hair shaft usually provides class evidence only. In a panic, the young driver of the black car quickly backed up, made a U-turn, and abruptly left the scene of the accident. A clear mixture is a negative reaction indicating the absence of a blood-type protein. Note: the angle of refraction was determined after the laser light was shown through the plastic dish. As rock weathers, it breaks along boundaries between different types of mineral crystals. Some of the ridge patterns near the delta will rise above and some will fall below this triangular region. Return the slide to the envelope as soon as you are finished so that someone else can use the slide. This type of exposed film is called an autoradiograph. Place the ball of soil in the water and leave it undisturbed for 10 minutes. That does not mean that we should not think about what we see. The official death certificate lists the cause and sometimes the mechanism of death. Focus your hair under 400×. Later, a more accurate, final copy of the crime scene should be made for possible presentation in court. 3. 2. Because the process of papermaking has changed, it is essential for forgers to use aged paper to pass the microscopic examination tests. 460 Casts and Impressions Procedure: Part A: Measuring a Car’s Track Size, Track Width, and Wheelbase 1. Review definitions for tire width, track width, and wheelbase in the chapter. Explain your answer. Thus, in this example: Hypotenuse = distance to the shooter a = distance to the building 17 b = height of the shooter from the horizon, not from the ground Hypotenuse2 = (a)2 + (b)2 (732.3 in)2 = (720 in)2 + b 2 536,300 in2 = 518,400 in2 + b 2 536,300 in2 ⫺ 518,400 in2 = b 2 17,900 in2 = b 2 b = 133 in ~ 11 ft 500 Ballistics If the building is 60 feet away, then the shooter was about 11 feet higher than the height of the bullet hole in the seat, which was at 4 feet. . 16. Tool Marks 487 Procedure: Part A: Cast the Crime-Scene Impression 1. Unfortunately, they did not have any useful leads. DNA Fingerprinting 161 CHAPTER The human genome, which is the total amount of DNA in a cell, is contained in chromosomes and mitochondria. For example, if the order of the bases in a section of one strand is CGTCTA, then the order of bases in the complementary section of DNA in the other strand is GCAGAT. This process is called leaching. These characteristics make them very useful markers for crime-scene investigations. Fingerprints 145 CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 6 REVIEW True or False 1. This provides a permanent record of the size and surface appearance. View the carpet samples provided by your instructor under the microscope using 100× magnification. Figure 13-13. 8. Soil in a given area will have a unique profile or sequence of layers. Bowen, When Hideaki Anno ended Neon Genesis Evangelion, his elaborate analogy for his own untreated depression, with a moment of calming, redemptive group therapy, the backlash he received from fans who wanted a cataclysmic climax was overwhelming. A home burglary has occurred. Dr. Baden has appeared as an expert in forensic pathology in high-profile cases of national and international interest. ✔ Determine if two examples of ha ir are likely to be same person. In terms of density, air is less dense than any of the liquids. The MFRC is focused on forensic science training, education, and research. 16 THE FUNCTION AND STRUCTURE OF DNA 8 9 10 11 12 If the DNA in one human chromosome were unwound, it would reach a length of 6 feet. • If so, what was the spacing? Part B: DNA Science Solves a Mystery Procedure: Go to: http://www.dnai.org 1. With his rugged features and almost Klaus Kinsky-esque capacity to turn rapidly from sheepish deference to narcissistic ranting, Testone brings a sullen intensity to his role that’s well suited to Sin’s Herzogian take on the genius as madman-outcast. Nicks, ridge marks, and blemishes may develop on the striking surface of the tool. Include a sketch of the pollen viewed under 400× and provide a description of the pollen grain. Inspector Commissioner Alvárez went to the crime scene to reexamine it, searching for any trace of evidence that might have been overlooked. 136 Summary 142 Case Studies 143 Careers in Forensics Peter Paul Biro 145 Chapter 6 Review 146 Activity 6-1 Study Your Fingerprints 149 Activity 6-2 Giant Balloon Fingerprint 151 Activity 6-3 Studying Latent Fingerprints 152 Activity 6-4 How to Print a Ten Card 154 Activity 6-5 Is It a Match? Note: Placing each slide on an overhead projector may help in examining the reactions. Dispose of all used cotton swabs and bloodstain samples into the Biohazard Waste container. had not been anywhere near the store where the incident happened. Your presentation will be submitted on a disc (CD or DVD). Aquatic plant pollen that is released under the water is composed of only a single-layered cellulose wall. Traditional biological evidence, such as blood typing, could only be used to prove that Andrew was related to Christiana, but could not prove he was her son. 4. If you find that the densities do match, then you will need to collect further evidence to help prove that a particular suspect was at the crime scene. What other materials besides glass are used to protect people and property? If blood is found at a crime scene, describe what testing is done to determine if the blood is human blood or not human blood. Faced with convincing evidence, the suspect admitted his guilt and was sentenced for the crime. Glass Evidence 419 Procedure: 1. The evidence collector quickly wrapped the shirt in a paper bindle. They are usually proteins that can be absorbed by another living creature and interfere with that organism’s metabolism. The doctor suggested doing a DNA fingerprint. Forensic investigators can match a skull’s size and shape to a photograph of a person’s head to make a positive identification. Appearance Circumstances Body becomes stiff and stiff- Stiffness begins with the ness moves down body. metal or plastic coffee can) 1 can inexpensive aerosol hair spray (to share with other groups) 1 paintbrush 1 pencil or awl or sharpened skewer 1 stiff toothbrush (old ones are fine!) 3. Seven months later, the mutilated body of another female victim was found. If the body exhibits rigor only in the face and neck, then rigor has just started, and the time of death is Figure 11-5. The young decompose faster than the elderly. Schlicher denied having anything to do with the crime and denied walking in the field where the murder occurred on the day the crime was committed. DNA Fingerprinting 169 CHAPTER 1 ● Past difficulties with genetic analyses of crime-scene evidence resulted from the tiny samples that were usually available. Procedure: 1. 17 • Fill the camera’s viewfinder with the impression. The diagram shows the direction of movement of the negatively charged DNA fragments through the field created by the battery in the gel matrix. Select a category of controlled substance. They are in the air we breathe, and they get caught in hair, fur, rope, 114 Pollen and Spore Examination feathers, clothing, mucous membranes, and sticky surfaces. Warm the bottle of agarose gel in a hot-water bath or autoclave until the bottle is warm to the touch and the agar is melted. Holmes used deductive reasoning to verify the actual facts of the case. a) sand b) loam c) clay d) chalk 9. The heart pumps nearly 300 liters every minute. Would you have obtained a different refractive index using the 45-degree angle of incidence instead of the 30-degree angle of incidence? Throughout, flashbacks make the most of the actress’s rock-star cool, with wide-angle shots that sweep up and down bodies, zipping across clubs and staircases, as if trying to explain away her character’s past life as a blur of hedonism. From the probe ware data or your data table, determine the average loss of tub water temperature for the first 12 hours _______°C, average loss of tub water temperature for hours 13 to 24 ________°C, and average loss of tub temperature for hours 1 to 24 ________°C. What suspects or victims or part of the crime scene had this type of fiber on them? Remove the pieces of DNA from your envelope. A B C Additional Blood Proteins and Probability Many other blood proteins have been identified. 5. The ex-husband had an alibi for the time of the shooting, and the case went unsolved for three years. At the trial, Vollman confessed to the murder in light of the hair analysis results. Tongue as silver as Audrey II, it not only manipulates others to kickstart a populist revolution against capitalism, it also steals the uncle’s girl (Jules Elting). Counterfeit Handwriting Analysis, Forgery, and Counterfeiting ©AP Photo/The Desert News CHAPTER 1 Figure 10-10. Explain your answer. If the sand grain contains only one mineral, it is considered a crystal. 4 5 Next is the E horizon. In this lab activity, you will compare the crime scene hair with three suspect’s hairs by comparing their medulla, cortex, and cuticle types, as well as compare the diameter of the hair samples. Synthetic polymer fibers originate with petroleum products and are noncellulose-based fibers. Your task will be to: 1. Six to eight unique identifiers between a tire and tread pattern are considered to be a good match. The scales point from the proximal end of the hair, which is closest to the scalp, to the distal end, which is farthest from the scalp. Write a short report on the new field lected, glass fragments of teleforensics. The drawing was based on the earlier writings of Vitruvius, a Roman architect. e. Swirl the toothpick with the pollen in the drop of water and apply a coverslip. What Does It Mean?” http://www.forensic evidence.com/site/EVID/EL_DNAerror.html. As a result, the point of impact may appear to be darker and wider than the rest of the drop of blood spatter (Figure 8-18). The answers to these questions have to do with what happens when the forces of gravity, cohesion, adhesion, and surface tension act on blood. a) the height of the shooter b) the path of the flight of a bullet c) the housing for the bullet’s gunpowder d) the pattern of lands and grooves on the projectile 8. • Is the ratio the same in both the ransom note and the suspect’s handwriting sample? d. Describe anything in your case that is not common knowledge. Tire Imprint Evidence (Practical Aspects of Criminal and Forensic Investigations. So, how did they acquire such worldwide fame? Germany were once thought to be evidence of trading with China, whose people were manufacturing silk at that time. 5 6 Figure 4-10. Sun exposure. Note where the light shines on the paper on the other side of the liquid. The diameter of the high-power (400×) field of view is ¼ of the diameter of the field of view under 100×, or approximately 300 microns. 19. The sand can scratch the surface of some countertops. 2. When the police arrived, the black car was gone. Measurements can be taken of dental patterns and bite marks. Let samples sit for 10 minutes. Web Site Project Manager: Ed Stubenrauch Manufacturing Coordinator: Kevin Kluck Student Edition ISBN 13: 978-0-538-44586-3 Student Edition ISBN 10: 0-538-44586-6 Production Service: Lachina Publishing Services Art Director: Bethany Casey Internal Designer: Joe Devine, Red Hangar Design, LLC Cover Designer: Joe Devine, Red Hangar Design, LLC Cover Image: ©istockphoto.com/Jeff Metzger South-Western Cengage Learning 5191 Natorp Boulevard Mason, OH 45040 USA Photography Permissions Manager: Deanna Ettinger Cengage Learning products are represented in Canada by Nelson Education, Ltd. If any of the white powders test positive for Bertinol, the police will have reason to bring in the suspect(s) for further questioning. Factor ⫻ bone length Stature = 4.74 ⫻ humerus Stature = 4.03 ⫻ radius Stature = 4.65 ⫻ ulna Stature = 3.10 ⫻ femur Stature = 3.02 ⫻ tibia Stature = 3.78 ⫻ fibula plus + 15.26 + 69.96 + 47.96 + 28.82 + 58.94 + 30.15 cm cm cm cm cm cm Accuracy ± 4.94 ± 4.98 ± 4.96 ± 3.85 ± 4.11 ± 4.06 Bone length for African-American and African males. Male Front View Male Side View Male characteristics Trait Female Characteristics More square Shape of eye More rounded More square Mandible shape from underside More V-shaped Thick and larger Upper brow ridge Thin and smaller Male Characteristics Trait Female Characteristics Present Occipital protuberance Absent Low and sloping Frontal bone Higher and more rounded Rough and bumpy Surface of skull Smooth Straight Ramus of mandible Slanting Rough and bumpy Nuchal crest Smooth Female Front View Female Side View Pelvis One of the easiest methods of determining the sex of a skeleton is to examine the pelvis. 8. 8. If the pH of the soil is above 5.5, nitrogen in the soil is made available to plants. S U M M A RY • Forensic palynology can provide information about the geographic origin of a crime and the time or season when it took place. a. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1986. Plumbing the murkier depths of systemic and interpersonal power dynamics, writer-director Shatara Michelle Ford’s feature-length directorial debut, Test Pattern, is nothing if not timely. Because half of a child’s DNA is inher©AP Photo/Rui Vieira 7 DNA FINGERPRINTING A N D F A M I LY R E L A T I O N S H I P S 158 ited from the mother and the other half is inherited from the father, DNA fingerprints can be used to prove family relationships. The rest of the human genome—more than 98.5 percent—is noncoding DNA that does not make any protein. For example, blood proteins can be isolated to identify the blood type of a suspect. Plasma is similar to salt water in composition. If large quantities of fibers are found, some of the fibers may be subjected to simple, but destructive, testing—burning them in a flame or dissolving in various liquids. Check with your classmates regarding the other suspects’ hair sample analysis. People will stick to what they think they saw, even after they have been shown that it is impossible. Why was Anna Anderson’s mDNA being compared to the mDNA of Prince Philip? 2. The exact chemical composition of a bullet made in one batch is different from that of a bullet made in a different batch. 6 7 8 9 10 11 TOOL MA R K I MP R E S S I ON S 13 14 ©Gary Roebuck/Alamy 12 Tools usually leave distinctive marks where they are used. Complete the Crime Scene report, listing all evidence collected from the sock with your partner investigators. In addition to the five bottles responsible for the seven deaths, three poisoned bottles were found on the shelves. Attempt to match the unknown sample to Tire 1 or Tire 2. 5. These people are not necessarily trained in checking larger bills to see if they were genuine or counterfeit. Slant Left, right, or variable? Examine each photograph. The DNA was cut into fragments of different lengths. 4. Include calculations in your answer. This captures the bullet without damaging it. Empty shell casings were found at two different crime scenes during the past month. ● DNA profiles are kept by police agencies of several countries in electronic databases. 6. 428 Glass Evidence Data Table 2: Submersion Test Results Test Tube # Refractive Index of Liquid 1. Forensic scientists also act as expert witnesses for the prosecution lawyers (Figure 1-6). Fingerprints taken from Dillinger’s body in the morgue on his death were compared to known examples he left behind during his life of crime. Materials: 3 colored pencils or markers (red, green, blue) ruler Safety Precautions: None Time Required to Complete Activity: 10 minutes Procedure: 1. Place the end of the ruler next to the end of your heel and measure to the end of your big toe. It can be metal-jacketed, hollow-pointed, or even plastic-coated. Compare and contrast an entry wound and an exit wound produced from a bullet. 11. Pollen and Spore Examination 115 CHAPTER Figure 5-14. The bacteria release tetanospasmin, a poison that blocks nerve signals from the spinal cord to the muscles, causing muscle spasms so severe that they can tear muscles and fracture bones. Satin is not a type of fiber, it is a type of weave. Shahan, Gaye. Does this evidence provide sufficient information for a conviction? 2. However, when rigor mortis is combined with other factors, a more accurate time of death can be established (Figures 11-8 and 11-9). Can you state a mechanism of death? He to compete against the best from other countries also ran the drug testing for the 1996 Atlanta and the best man or woman wins.” Summer Olympics and the 2002 Salt Lake Winter To be in the field of pharmacology, one needs Games. 3. 13 14 15 16 17 142 Fingerprints ● The basic types of fingerprints are patent (visible) fingerprints, plastic (indentations) fingerprints, and latent (hidden) fingerprints. As the cartilage is slowly replaced with hard, compact bone, a cartilaginous line is visible, called an epiphysis (Figure 13-18). Eyerman/Time Life Pictures/Getty Images In Largo, Florida, tire tracks were found next to a dead woman’s body.
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