Hamster Heaven and Alaska are both ~80x50cm, and are suitable. It was great, nice and roomy, could fit other activities in it too. Do not leave your hamsters in a dirty cage … New wheel and no more bar climbing. Buyers comments include statements such as “Brilliant,fantastic cage for a good bargain price”, “Fab cage,one of the best you can buy!” and “Amazing cage can't fault it!”. I woke up and was told my first pet had died right after we bought it. Job offer withdrawn - after Iâd already resigned!! Quick view Ferplast Gabry 50 Gerbilarium Gerbil and Syrian Hamster Cage. jensner is that a serious suggestion? But reviews say poor quality so I'm a bit wary. The RSPCA recommend that a hamster should have a cage … In the opinion of one reviewer, the cage is suitable for Winter White or Campbell dwarf hamsters but only when they're fully grown. hamster cage. Itâs huge with lots of space to add toys to and is really reasonably priced.m.zooplus.co.uk/shop/small_pets/hutches_cages/hamster_cages/hamster_cages/284288?gclid=Cj0KCQjw1-fVBRC3ARIsAIifYOO9ov7mhqeBRPCtfdMkzhFr8Xqvu4WobOiQ7Wf5FH9VU0gUlDxQqtEaAiXQEALw_wcB. The gaps between the bars are 0.7 mm but in the corners the distance between the bars is slightly larger. [volume] (Bismarck, N.D.) 1916-current, March 14, 1927, Image 6, brought to you by State Historical Society of North Dakota, and the National Digital Newspaper Program. Unfortunately even minimum sized cages are too large to be lifted down by one adult due to the bulk. To use this feature subscribe to Mumsnet Premium - get first access to new features see fewer ads, and support Mumsnet. In essence, the bigger the better. The cage is large enough and comes with adequate space so that you can keep a few toys for your pet. I don't want to connect multiple cages ideally as we have dogs so a) Need it to be escape proof and b) The cage is kept up on a unit so the dogs can't reach it and scare her/knock the cage. But it looks a bit of a silly/unpractical set up inside the cage? They also tend to ignore wooden blocks sold specifically for chewing. - posted in Supplies & Accessories: Hello! 89 reviews ( 89 ) Hamster Heaven 80 Cage from Savic is a spacious cage for hamsters. Aviaries are great rodent cages but you'll need to buy platforms or use lots of hammocks (so hamsters like hammocks?!) Try these other cages if the Barney Hamster Cage isn't exactly what you're looking for: Please note that as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. She is a bit over weight already and doesn't seem interested in the wheel we bought her but will quite happily climb all around the bars. So I need to be able to lift it down each evening to get her out. What do hamsters need in their cage? I haven't seen it in real life though as they didn't have any at pets at home to look at which was annoying as always hard to tell from a photo. They're very similar cages, but the Barney has narrower bar spacing (better for dwarves) whereas the Alexander … Littlepetwarehouse has a lot of bigger cages at a decent price, we've had many from them over the years. It will never be as sturdy as a pre-formed cage top but has the advantage of being disassembled and folding flat for storage if needed. This extra tall large wooden hamster cage … £52.00 Add to basket. Pets at Home Wire Syrian Hamster Cage X Large Grey. A hamsters cage size will drastically affect their happiness and health. For the small hamsters like Roborovski, Russia, or Chinese, make sure that the bar space is minimum so that they can't escape because of their small size. Favola Hamster Cage | Includes Free Water Bottle, Exercise Wheel, Food Dish & Hamster Hide-Out | Large Hamster Cage Measures 23.6L x 14.4W x 11.8H-Inches & Includes 1-Year … We have a good budget but want it to be the right cage. But may have to give it a go as it seems to constantly come up in recommendations. … They're very similar cages, but the Barney has narrower bar spacing (better for dwarves) whereas the Alexander has more wooden accessories (hence it's more flexible with layout). Little Friends Grosvenor Rat and Hamster Cage with Wooden Shelf and Ladder, Large, 77 x 47 x 36 cm, Silver/ Black 4.6 out of 5 stars 594 £61.77 £ 61 . Iirc the furet tower has small spacing, half of a savic royal suite would work in a smaller space, and that's what we use for our does which are smaller than Syrian hamsters. Savic hamster heaven Probably cheaper elsewhere if you googlehttps://www.amazon.co.uk/Savic-Hamster-Heaven-Navy-Blue/dp/B003QRPAR2. You can buy stoppers to block them off as well. Rabbits are perhaps not as cuddly though! I will have a look at the link above to see if that has anything suitable - thanks, Friends of mine who breed/show/rescue hamsters tend to use the Savic Hamster Heaven (as already recommended earlier) as the preferred large cage for Syrians. After all, it is a never-ending chore so the easier it is for you, the better it is for your pet ifyswim.It may be bordering on sacrilegious to say this on this thread but although I loved our hamsters and guinea pigs, by far the easiest to clean out are our rabbits who are trained to use a large cat litter tray! Barney from zooplus is awesome. Just come across the Alexander cage on zooplus and the dimensions are huge, more like guinea pig size but for hamsters. X Large; £45.00 Add to basket. Wooden platforms can absorb hamster waste products. … What can you use for hamster bedding? To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. You'll need to triple check bar spacing as I think hamsters need a smaller one than rats but you may find something. With the modern design and high-quality fir wood it is a perfect home for hamsters to play and exercise. It is something hamster owners have been waiting for … I got my first hamster here when I was 10, and it literally died the night we brought it home, while I was sleeping. - £200 voucher and £100 Thomas toys to be won, Talk widget showing discussions of the day & trending threads, Subscribe to Mumsnet emails direct to your inbox, https://www.amazon.co.uk/Savic-Hamster-Heaven-Navy-Blue/dp/B003QRPAR2, www.amazon.co.uk/Hamster-Wheel-Wodent-Blue-Beige/dp/B014OBRJPY/ref=sr_1_4?s=pet-supplies&keywords=wodent+wheel&tag=mumsnetforum-21&ie=UTF8&qid=1522162070&sr=1-4, www.amazon.co.uk/Trixie-Exercise-Wheel-colours-vary/dp/B00365P9NY/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?tag=mumsnetforum-21&ie=UTF8, m.zooplus.co.uk/shop/small_pets/hutches_cages/hamster_cages/hamster_cages/284288?gclid=Cj0KCQjw1-fVBRC3ARIsAIifYOO9ov7mhqeBRPCtfdMkzhFr8Xqvu4WobOiQ7Wf5FH9VU0gUlDxQqtEaAiXQEALw_wcB, www.zooplus.co.uk/shop/small_pets/hutches_cages/hamster_cages/hamster_cages/189303, www.zooplus.co.uk/shop/small_pets/hutches_cages/hamster_cages/hamster_cages/174238, www.zooplus.co.uk/shop/small_pets/hutches_cages/hamster_cages/hamster_cages/348156, www.zooplus.co.uk/shop/small_pets/accessories/exercise_wheels/609617, www.petsathome.com/shop/en/pets/merch-groups/whimzees.
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